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@Wildfire: oh, of course if you have your own website that has to come first!
I don’t think I knew you had your own. >.<

Oh no! I’m sorry!
Hopefully the shoes sell. They’re really cool
@sunny: thank you! I had it started awhile ago and finally finished it today. I don’t think it will last long though, because I have new orb items and event items. :3
@Wildfire: I don’t have a lot of money but I like donating when I can because I really like Voltra and I know how hard everyone works to keep it going. I think it’s worth the money to help keep the website alive. But I know that not everyone has the money to donate.
@Wildfire: I’m such a gambler at heart, it’s actually really bad. >.<
But I always get the orb bundle and that has some guaranteed items so it’s typically worth it. I’m always missing some items, but I can usually trade for them. I don’t always sell my extras though. >.<

Hi Koah and Sunny

Posted in ■■■ [S/B] A lot of items Posted 3 years ago
Thank you! I’ve updated the trade. ^^

@Wildfire: it was actually kind of thrilling to try to post as much as I could. And puzzle and try to trade. It’s fun to have a goal to aim for.
My wishlist is down to 4 items, (not including the new orb), so I haven’t had much to aim for lately.
Although, I guess now I can save volts for art! OuO

My day is turning out good. I opened the store about an hour ago and it’s been pretty slow so I’ve been posting and making a new avatar. ^^

A gold sink means you spend the gold/volts back into the site instead of trading them to another player
It sinks back into the website. That helps the site’s economy from inflating

@Wildfire: thanks! Me too!
I was worried I wasn’t going to get them but I got really lucky :3

I think there were people buying seeds in the exchange yesterday. Not sure if anyone still is

I did manage to get the last few seeds I needed for a bundle from the jigsaw after the forum stopped dropping though. So the game might still be giving seeds?
I hope everyone has a chance to trade their seeds if they need to

@Wildfire: I’m usually the closer at work, so I get home about 10pm and go to sleep at midnight. I’m still up in the late morning but I don’t have to do anything for a few hours so I’m not used to being up and active already. :3

Thank you, but I did end up getting a bundle, so I got all the items! I think there are people still looking though

@Wildfire: no. I’ll be awake at like 3pm. XD
I’m not a morning or afternoon person, I’m an evening person. :3

I stopped getting any in the event forum yesterday. Is it still dropping other places?
Or am I just dumb? XD

I’m surprised it isn’t locked yet. But it gives me some time to migrate back to regular threads. XD