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@Amber Lynne: I got a bunch of mine when hobby lobby and micheals still let you use coupons on them so I have a pretty decent range. I wish someone had told me earlier they were refillable tho lol. You might be able to find some second hand and buy the ink to refill them :O
Posted in Moody's Bat Cave Posted 4 years ago
@MoodyBats: Make sure everything has a password and make sure you lock devices when you aren't using them

For windows at least alt+tab will let you switch quickly between programs and windows key+L will let you lock it you computer quickly
@Amber Lynne: I switched from prisma to copic as soon as I could afford it (and now they sit sadly in their case lol). I loved layering pencils on top of copics and watercolors tho

Those portraits are really impressive!
@Amber Lynne: It's a slippery slope. Sometimes I never come back to a project
-avoids looking at my WIP bin- >_>

Are most of your artworks in marker? Which brand do you use?
@Amber Lynne: More or less. I was kinda stuck on my personal project so it's good to take a break. Come back to it with a fresh mind
@Amber Lynne: I don't mind a challenge every now and then. This fellow is about 75% done. Working on his head rn
@Amber Lynne: -adds that to my watch later list- :3

I keep recording videos but I never get around to editing them lol

I misjudged how big this project was going to be. I'm working off of someone else pattern that I'd never used before XP
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 4 years ago
@Anarchist Beauty: Rhinos :]
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 4 years ago
I'm just glad dire wolves aren't still a thing D:
@Amber Lynne: Trying to finish up a crochet commission that is taking forever

Posted in In hospital Posted 4 years ago
@star2000shadow: He got really disoriented at night and let's be honest nurses can't keep their eyes on people 24/7. It made my grandma feel better to have someone there and since I had afternoon shifts then I volunteered
@Amber Lynne: I'm ace too so I was like SAME lol
Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 4 years ago
Wolves were another I didn't realize were so BIG
@Amber Lynne: