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Man or woman... It doesn't matter! One of Strength.. And nobility...

@PoeticTorment: I honestly was looking at average customer reviews lol
So That i could buy one that had a good amount of people saying it was a good purchase :0
I thought the average price for those guys were around 70 xD

No one bothers you or asks you for anything when its late at night
Time alone to just do you is so nice ;w;

oof the schedules were pretty rough, I don't miss the deadlines lol. Though I do miss artisan work ;3;
Picking out colors for stuff was really fun >n<
I really hope it stays around! It really is a nice place and I loved the userbase ;m;

Is always a prince.
Posted in Send in the Clowns Posted 4 years ago
But where are the clowns
Send in the clowns
Don't bother, they're here

Every party needs a clown!
So here I am!!!!

Come on in and chat with me!
Rubber noses are completely optional! :D
Man or woman... It doesn't matter! One of Strength.. And nobility...

@PoeticTorment: oh whoop haha
Maybe I'm looking at to high a price range then xD

Strong independent womaaaann!!!!
I am a fraidy cat lmao

I really do miss my late nights! ;w;
Hopefully sooner than later xP

It was a very good guess!

That's a yikes from me :<
Since I was former staff there, I don't really think it's my place to get into any of it >3<;;
The reason I left, unfortunately was completely unrelated to the site at all.
I still have a really large warm love for Cae. Hearing the state it's currently in, honestly makes my heart heavy.

Is always a prince.
Man or woman... It doesn't matter! One of Strength.. And nobility...

@PoeticTorment: oohhh i didnt know that! Thanks :D

I was looking at like a 70$ one. I don't want to go over 100$
Typing it out kinda makes me sweat lmao thats a lot of moniez xD

Aw im sorry to hear that :<
You're braver than I am. I would have screeched until someone saved me haha

I just i hope i make something edible lmao!!!
I still have to go out shopping to get the ingrediants for it. Probably wont be able to do that until school is over. Or maybe if im quick enough i can do it during lunch/recess.

Whoo night owls for life! Hahaha just kidding!
Im hoping it gets easier!!! Im sure it does but right now it doesn't feel like it lmao

I think squealing suits her character! :0

Oof thats painful ;m;
The DIs were always so pretty.
At least the code is finally being updated. Hopefully the site will run smoother once its complete and the invos will load at a decent speed.
Tbf when I still was there, it only seemed like there were about 2-3 people online to chat to at any time. Im not completely surprised the flow of the forums have dried up. Even though hearing about it fills me with sadness. :c

Is always a prince.
Man or woman... It doesn't matter! One of Strength.. And nobility...

Happy Birthday Voltra!!!


My inner clown is very excited!!!!
Payday can't get here soon enough >w<

Is always a prince.
Man or woman... It doesn't matter! One of Strength.. And nobility...

@PoeticTorment: How are yoga mats? I've never really known anyone who does yoga so I literally know nothing about it at all lmao
I'm assuming they just big pieces of squishy foam '3'

oh ho ho! I was looking at the heated ones >:3
If I end up buying one i see myself having to hide it from the rest of my family xD
What brand did you go with if you recall? Are they worth looking into?
I've just been scouring reviews lol

omg! I don't mind snakes when they are kept as pets. But wild ones are a whole nother story lol
I'd probably be screaming and crying for help xD
Maybe even throwing my cats at it hahaha jk
Fortunately you had someone come to your rescue! :D

I've been okay! Mostly tired lol
My moms birthday is coming up and right now she's been on a rather restrictive diet, she's trying to qualify for gastric bypass surgery so the foods she can and cannot eat are so very regimented x.x;;
I've been brainstorming and researching like crazy to figure out how to make a cake she can eat. Whiiiiiich has been a fantastical challenge! ;w;
I've pretty much narrowed down my ingredients and am hoping to Frankenstein the cake together this Thursday >w<;;

Been drinking 2 HUUUUGE cups of coffee a day, tbh I just brew 1/2 pot and drink all of that.
Hahaha!!! I've always been a late riser and a night owl. Shifting a sleeping habit I've kept my entire adult life has been left me in a constant state of exhaustion

That mischievous little face! *0*
-is super excited-
Take your time! :>

Awww Cae ;w; I miss it there

Is always a prince.
Man or woman... It doesn't matter! One of Strength.. And nobility...

@PoeticTorment: ;w; you'e so nice!!!

ooohhh!!! That sounds nice! I was doing some small stretches yesterday because my upper back is so tense/sore all the time x.x;;
I'm assuming it's from being on the computer/drawing ;3;
Ngl i was on amazon looking up the massage thingies that you strap to your computer chair >u>;;

oooh! I hope your able to get some samples soon then if you haven't already!!!
How have you been?

School started this week and readjusting my sleep schedule to waking up earlier than normal has got me in this zombified state >w<;;
So far so good though! and now it's not a struggle to get to sleep at night lmao

ahh! ah!! I don't know ;w;
Surprise me plz! ;0;

Is always a prince.
Posted in Word Association Posted 4 years ago
Man or woman... It doesn't matter! One of Strength.. And nobility...


Is always a prince.
Posted in Continue on letter game! Posted 4 years ago
Man or woman... It doesn't matter! One of Strength.. And nobility...


Is always a prince.
Man or woman... It doesn't matter! One of Strength.. And nobility...

@PoeticTorment: Oh whoop! I gotta get better at coming on more frequently x.x;;

ohhhh the yoga thing is a great idea :0
I used to look up workout routines on youtube and follow along. Maybe I can find something there to start doing in the house *u*

Did any of your sample teas come in?
I've yet to look at any tea on amazon x.x;;

Is always a prince.
Posted in Having difficulty connecting socially online Posted 4 years ago
Man or woman... It doesn't matter! One of Strength.. And nobility...

Bruuuuh preach!
I mainly only talk to one person here and that's because I knew her before coming to voltra ;3;
I sorta feel like a creep plopping myself into a hangout thread and trying to start up some convos =3=;;;;;
I also feel reeaaalll awkward reaching out to people after not talking to them for a while, so if I poof for like 1 week+ I'll be a bit to afraid to say hello again if we didn't already have a decently established friendship >n<;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
I typically make my own hangout thread and hope people come to me lmao
Haven't done that in a while cuz tbh my social tolerance as of late hasn't been as high as it used to be and tending to my own thread sounds like more work than I wanna do rn lmao

Is always a prince.
Man or woman... It doesn't matter! One of Strength.. And nobility...

@PoeticTorment: That's good! The getting some things done part, not the feeling crappy part lol

Blehhhh my day has been alright. Decided a few days ago to start calorie counting and exersizing again x.x;;
I have a treadmill but the Floridian heat is beyond brutal. I almost lost my cookies after only 20 min on it. We have it on the back porch so it isn't air conditioned x.x;;

Other than that, my headaches today weren't so bad! The kids were well behaved ^^
Nothing really crazy happened today :>

Oooh! Amazon it is then!
I've never heard of Beantown Tea! Are they a good brand :0

Is always a prince.
Man or woman... It doesn't matter! One of Strength.. And nobility...

@Starlight: thank you so much!

Is always a prince.
Man or woman... It doesn't matter! One of Strength.. And nobility...

@Starlight: Would you be willing to trade your Merlantis for my Mother Anthropoda?

Is always a prince.