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Posted in What color(s) should I change my avatar? Posted 6 years ago
Yellow and purple! The colors are so opposite that they don't look too bad together.
Posted in Epiphany Posted 6 years ago
@blinkini: you're not the only one on that boat! I've got a couple coworkers who like to talk about their lives openly. There is one lady who told me, all seriously and making uncomfortable eye contact, that this is the year she stops complaining about work. She's tired of being negative about her life! I was stoked to hear because she's always stressed out. The very next day, she's vomiting complaints about her son and our boss. Haha.
The positive tho, is this lady IS working on bettering herself. It sometimes takes a few tries to get to a point your happy with. Just keep trying and breathing. You'll get there! Tho sometimes, a change in environment is what gives that boost.

@Peony: yee. Some family's down right blow. As a sister to a man who would gladly take a shit in our fathers ashes, it's also interesting to know not all family members feel the same way about each other. But I guess that's what happens when you get a group of people who might turn out to be wildly different from each other.

@Schye: thank you. I'm sure the epiphany was something a long the lines of: you don't need to drink to have fun. In fact, the alcohol isn't solely to blame for the shitty feelings following a night of binging. It's also a feeling of doing things that normally wouldn't be appealing.
Do you ever feel like writing down your epiphanies would help you remember them? Or work on them? Or are these ideas that if you forget, had fulfilled their use already?
Posted in What if you had a card deck of OCs... Posted 6 years ago
@Kaderin Triste: you could make characters just for the trades too. Granted, some might turn out to be characters you'd want to keep...
Then again, trading your characters doesn't need to mean you're giving them away. You could always trade the ideas. Kind of like saving someone's art to your phone because it inspires you! You're not saving it to steal and claim as yours, just for the inspiration! Same can apply to the oc trading cards.
Posted in What if you had a card deck of OCs... Posted 6 years ago
Not enough ocs to make a full deck. And it would be hard to fit certain cards to certain ocs. Like I wouldn't have a king of swords. Or a 3 of cups. :/

Now if I could art better, I'd be down to making a deck for StarWars, Harry Potter, Assasins Creed, FallOut, Boarderlands. Maybe a bio shock set. Plenty of characters from those stories, and the theme would flow better if you were to make ocs for them.
Posted in Epiphany Posted 6 years ago
Heavy talk here... -covers username up with arm-

I was walking home from Micky D's with my burger and got to thinking. Thinking about my drinking problem, and it got pretty deep. So deep I had an epiphany about why I drink and how to get my life back on track. The whole thing made me feel happy, up beat, and motivated!
Came home, had my food and started laundry. It's been 2 hours since that epiphany, and I can't tell you what it was about.
Guess it's back, back to drinking! (Joking, joking. I'm still a bit hungover and drinking wouldn't help me sleep for work.)

What kind of epiphanies have y'all had? Any that you've forgotten, only to remember it much later?
Posted in Where were you during the 'Blackout'? Posted 6 years ago
Joined this site a few weeks before the blackout. Then just assumed I hallucinated it all! The website, the people, the avatars.

Glad to see i didn't go coocoo just yet. (: Like most reasonable people, I went back to neopets for a bit! And Subeta.
Posted in BloodBorne - You're Playing it Wrong Posted 7 years ago
@ Dowan: so far I've managed to die when I was returning to spend souls. It's very frustrating. >:(
My whole time playing, is fighting to get those same 2k souls back from different mobs that pick em up.
Edit: oh jeez I finally found the splatter. Final! 3k souls here I come!
Posted in BloodBorne - You're Playing it Wrong Posted 7 years ago
@Dowan: another thing is, I forget where I die. The rough location is easy to remember, but the exact spot? Never in a million years.
Posted in BloodBorne - You're Playing it Wrong Posted 7 years ago
@Dowan: I'll take a look next time I'm down, and a monster hasn't picked up my booty. Thanks for the tip, was wondering why some souls came back while others didn't.
Posted in BloodBorne - You're Playing it Wrong Posted 7 years ago
@Dowan: I've never seen red puddles? Are you talking about the spectra thing?
@Rosamond: first time playing a game like this. It's a welcomed change for sure. Were you playing in any particular order?
@GuttedBunny: one day! Until then, I'll just roll like crazy.
Posted in BloodBorne - You're Playing it Wrong Posted 7 years ago
@DeimosPoe24: it was very confusing st first. But now I find it annoying to be running through the same area. ): Haven't gotten too far yet, heading to bed before work, but it gets easier after a few deaths imo.

@sire: the only thing I break out of anger are the mobs. My brother came over while I was playing. He stood for a few minutes and watched, only to comment: I would not have done what you just did. You see that angry mob there? I would have just quit instead of charge in.

Ps. I died, but ran in head first two more times before killing them all. I blame the gunners.
Posted in BloodBorne - You're Playing it Wrong Posted 7 years ago
@sire: thank you. It's a different type of game, and I'm not used to how it works. Usually there's set levels you go through, and levels are usually relatively short to boot. This? This is different.

It's enjoyable. Just confusing and frustrating to go through the same areas constantly.
Posted in BloodBorne - You're Playing it Wrong Posted 7 years ago
Hey guys. First time board maker here.
Didn't think I'd make any, but this game. Omg this game. I swear I'm playing it wrong. Just started, and can't get past the first area without dying lots.

All those souls or what not... gone! And I have to refight the areas. Ran past an angry dog. Fought off angry men with my fists. Got upset I couldn't pick up their weapons. Two hours later, I find the weapons are in the Hunters Dream area. Wow.
Went back, was able to fight off the angry dog. Easier time fighting off the angry villagers. There is no way to fight off those large angry villagers though. So I let em knock and groan on doors they can clearly walk around.

Anyone else suffering through this?
Or is it just me? ):
Posted in Thoughts on The new AC? Posted 7 years ago
I'll play it when it's cheaper.
AC 1 hooked me. The game was new, fun, and had some challenges. The story was what kept me going.
The Ezio Trilogy was good too. The story was getting drier, but the settings were sweet.
AC 3... well the only saving grace for that was petting the animals. I could not for the life of me, understand the main characters motives. They were rage fuled and unassasin. All I heard was "revenge." The side quests were fun though. As was the terrain, though it got a bit tiersome near the end. Oh well.
Black Flag was a good game. I would not call the main character an assassin. He was a pirate. The whole game should have been called "Pirates Creed." It was only related to the AC universe because of the side characters and the "real world" but they did with Abstergo. The multiplayer was fun, but it's too simple. Super easy to play, and getting top 100 means nothing!
After that was just rage. I played both Unity and bits of Syndicate. Unity was rage due to the controls. You want to go up this wall? Sure thing boss, lemme just jump off for a second- aaand you're disincronized(how ever you spell it) because that was too far of a fall. Syndicate is having the same problems! Plus now stealth is useless. You can just run in and smack a bi- You can just run in guns blazing and everything is ok.

Bought all the games for 20 bucks or under. Not going to break that streak for a company that is seemingly doing this for money. The moment they switched from Desmond to the questionable player you run as in Abstergo, is when they lost me. The whole premise seems empty, where the player follows the lives of these "random" phsycopaths who kill for the delusional ideals.

I'm looking more for the backstory of ac. There was a part in the Ezio Trilogy where you could piece together a small video clip. It showed such a tiny glimpse of the past, but that's what is interesting to me. Hopefully the Origins game will explore it more and will start wrapping this series up.

Multiplayer isn't a must have for me. But it would help if the story itself is terrible.