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Posted in Xanthan's Xenodochial Xanadu Posted 4 years ago


@Xanthan: Aww thank you so much! yeah its going to be quite a bit of work, but this will make a really good piece for building my portfolio haha


Posted in Good Roadtrip Foods Posted 4 years ago


@Totalanimefan: Oh good! I'm glad both that yall aren't prone to motion sickness and that you are experienced with road trips!!


Posted in Good Roadtrip Foods Posted 4 years ago


@Totalanimefan: Oh man, yeah that's a serious drive. I'm glad you're taking it in 5 days instead of 2 days x'D I think you've got a good plan going! Since you will be traveling for so long, you should make sure that you stop and get a like "sit down" meal of hardy food for dinner, it will help mental health a whole lot. Like real, hot protein and carbs are way more important than I can explain.

As for flavors of Capri Sun, Fruit Punch and Pacific Cooler are excellent IMO. Pacific Cooler has a milder flavor, which can be good when/if dealing with motion sickness. (Also take a bottle of benadryl (off brand is same stuff) and take like half of one if you or your husband find yourselves motion sick due to angle of the sunlight/headache/etc.) I'm sorry for constant info dump,,, it was a rough trip for us through no lack of planning, but there were definitely some things we could have done better to have been less burnt out at the end.


Posted in Xanthan's Xenodochial Xanadu Posted 4 years ago


@Xanthan: Will do!

Also for the prompt:

I know this doesn't look like much, but I'm so excited for the potential of this thumbnail I made tonight. The poses and motions are what I've been imagining for days. There's a decent amount of work between this and the ideal, but I'm still just super excited.


Posted in Good Roadtrip Foods Posted 4 years ago


@Totalanimefan: Jerky is a good idea, yeah! Honestly, you can freeze the Capri suns too, to use as cooler packs, but they are at least a little real juice and very fast and easy to drink in the car.

IDK how far you are going, so honestly pre-making the sandwiches might be a good idea if its not too long a trip! If yall aren't allergic, PB&J are also decent if you pack them individually in quart Ziploc bag and then eat them like a hamburger with the bag around the outside.

TBH you might need to make quality of life changes to my advice in general lol. We were going something like 1600 miles in 2 days back in the recession of 2009, so we weren't packed for comfort x')


Posted in Good Roadtrip Foods Posted 4 years ago


@Totalanimefan: I did that about 10 years ago with my family, we were moving from TN to NV. We packed deli meats and cheeses and low-mess fruit like apples and peaches (basically nothing with a peel because hour 3 with no rest stop those peels become sickening when you are stuck in the car with them), also take bottled water and avoid soda. Take a few sodas, but like those are emergency stay awake juice lol. Fruit juice is a good option too, but make sure its individually bottled (Capri sun's work well). Bonus on the water because that helps take care of the pets.

Also take chips you like, the "lunch packs" work pretty well since they are small and easy to work with even by the driver. But like,,,, take as much "real food" as possible because the more junk you eat and the more you stop for fast food the worse you are gonna feel on the other end. Its really bad digestion to be in a car for multiple days in a row while eating junk food.

Hope this helps!



I could see the Lower Elements Police having HAD their own Gods a long time ago too, for what it's worth.

Honestly there had to be some gods associated with The People, because The Book was reinforced by pretty significant magic. I think as a kid I always assumed it was Frond the Elvin King, who was referenced in the coded scroll at the bottom of the pages in Book 1, because as far as I know, he was the Fairy King back before the People were driven underground, and it seems like there hasn't been a Fairy King since. (It seems like LEP runs the city (s) -- i couldn't get through Atlantis Complex, so idk about other LE cities -- but if there were higher powers to answer to you'd expect to have heard from them during some of the more serious and dangerous situations that arose.)

Also lore-wise, Fairy Kings tend to be assigned by nature/some greater power than just a conquering army or a powerful man.



Artemis Fowl's gonna have 'quite' a few words to say to Gilderoy Lockhart

Oh I would live for that. To watch Artemis devour Lockhart alive with his own boasts would be a thing of beauty. Actually one of the only things I still check up on on tumblr is the blog af-answers, the artist is very good at her character representations and keeping them in character etc. The Harry Potter crossover she did was excellent, you should go find it!

did the Foul movie forget the geniuses part too!

Wait was Foaly even in it??? Like a huge part of the plot pertaining to the lower elements relied on foaly being smart (and a smartass).

But yeah, ive wrestled with that for years in daydreams. The 3 types of centaurs are largely not compatible. AF!verse and Riordenverse is kind of explainable, especially after the advent of other mythologies in Riordenverse. The lower elements are (largely) celtic myths and characters so the centaurs that were more closely tied to Tir na Nog would obviously have followed that history (Heaven city being basically the faeish "other world" thus why im using that name) instead of with the hellenic traditions. That and, like Chiron, i'm sure there are other centaurs who don't have the nature or interests of frat boys.

I frankly don't know enough about HP!verse to make a good argument, but they seemed to be less "human" from my memory.



@LupaPrinceRomulus: I mean i think to dogged fans will keep hoping, but Uncle Rick has been working nonstop for a couple of years to get Disney onboard with a good[/] reboot/series.

As for AF, i saw it best in a tumblr post heaven forbid:
[i]Book Artemis would release a fake shark into the water where Movie Artemis was surfing, wait until he thought he was safe, and then release the real shark.

I love my savage boy, he was already relatable and okay so I'm a little megalomaniacal but they just watered it down and made it flat pepsi to the masterpiece of a coke float that the original was.


Posted in Xanthan's Xenodochial Xanadu Posted 4 years ago


@Xanthan: Excellent! And I'll have to go find those two ^^


Posted in Forum Topic Question Posted 4 years ago


@Colin: Okay understood! Thank you very much for your time and help figuring out where to put it!



@LupaPrinceRomulus: Yeah i refuse to look at the AF movie, that book and those characters have meant too much to me over the years that I wish the movie had never been made.


Posted in Forum Topic Question Posted 4 years ago


@xvz: Thank you so much for your help!



@LupaPrinceRomulus: Totally different topic, but loving the new sword Lup!
