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Posted in NPC art references and stuff? Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there

Ive asked this before, mainly about like past npc's looks and i got told it was never really saved online. So somebody might have it but there isnt a collection somewhere sadly

。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

Posted in Newbie, here to say Hello! Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there

Welcome! Hope youl have fun here ^^

I also love dnd! I play about every sunday (the past sundays been rough bc the dm wasent there or something came up that had the whole session canceled) however one good thing is that its online lol
I play a pink tiefling sorcerer named Wendell whos out to find/rescue his sister who was kidnapped by a vampire lord.
The party consits of 3 tieflings and one drow

So bc i feel talkative ill talk abit about my party.

Theres Void a tiefling warlock, the local edge lord but we all love him and he secretly loves us back.
He once played potion roulette and drank a potion that made a deity apear in his head who could fuffill any of his wishes (just once tho). But then he drank another and shrunk so he kinda put the potion seller under a spell to give him an antidote and is now on the run for the potionseller.
Later on he got eaten by a slime and like actually died and everybody was rly upset but the dm allowed him to do the wish so hes still alive and kicking. + the slime is now his pet.

Then theres Lucile the drow paladine, shes the mom... but chaotic. Her thing is to collect pebbles. The player couldnt come for awhile but when she came back the dm had written that she found a ring of "rock eating" + she was riding a cool elk being all majestic n stuff.

Then theres Percy the tiefling rouge, suprisingly not the edgelord. Its the players very first time and they have a lil trouble making a backstory but they are doing great rp wise. Percy is the oldest but definitly not the wisest. Tries to bang anybody thats "hot" and likes to hunt and make food at like 3 in the morning.

Then lastly theres Wendell the tiefling sorcerer, hes actually a subrace called a "fruitling". They are inspired by fruit (Wendell a strawberry, thus all n all very pink and short and his sister is a clementine and is more rounder) and have some stats switched. Wendell has been dubbed the "twink" of the group and pure chaotic neutral.
Once a lady confessed to him and he just said "no thanks but i got like 7 brothers i could set u up with". Once he licked a stick coverd with slime and took damage. And once he turned into a lady (bc of potion roulete) wich was very ironic and the dm felt so bad bc im trans lol (luckly it only took a few hours).
He also has a... "son"... wich is basicly a living and walking glowshroom brought to life by pixie dust. He carries his son in one of those babby carriers on your chest.

Some other characters ive played in oneshots:

Arthrox the minotaur barbarian. Hes basicly a soft himbo + hes a highland cow!

And Alcyone the tiefling tinkerer (i like tieflings...). Again a chaotic neutral character but while Wendell is more family/friend oriented Alcyone likes to create and is passionate ab it. He has a pistal called gustav... and i gave him a bit of a new york accent... and ppl started calling him al capone bc they couldnt pronounce his name lol.

Heres a pic of Wendell:

And here of Alcyone:

And about homestuck:
I was never really.... into it the propper way lol.
I used to watch those animatics on it and rly liked it but bc my english wasent... great... i dint knew it was like a webcomic lol. I thought a bunch of ppl just like somebodys oc or something.
And like due to the animatics and other art i kinda figured out roughly the story. And i liked the trols design so i used to draw some and even atempted to make some myself. At this point knowing how long it is idk if i could actually sit down and read it. I atempted a few times in the past but i have a small pea brain and it confused me at some points lol. I did watch a good few video essays on it to understand the culture around it and i rly wished i couldv been a part of the craze back then... I know homestuck fans have a bad rep but the people that liked it (and still like it) seem to be bonded wich i think is great

。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

Posted in Things Found in the Garden A-Z Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there


。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

Posted in Camp Half-Blood Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there

Oh my, thank you! :^0

。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

Posted in The Rainbow Bouquet - An Event Hangout! Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there

@CooperationIsKey: He is!!! he was a design by somebody from the comunnity that won and thus was made as an actual doll! :^D
The pets are normally availble until the next release wich is at the end of this month (no set date yet but its always on a sunday)

。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

Posted in The Rainbow Bouquet - An Event Hangout! Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there

@CooperationIsKey: Well, recently 3D printed bjds have become more of a thing. Some dont count them but alot do, especially if they are printede in resin.
An artist im a big fan of and im curently waiting for 7 dolls from them... is Frappzilla! They make monthly litlle 13/15cm dolls inspired by all kinds of plants and animals!
They only get sold for a limited time and quantity, the quikest a doll sold out was in like 2 minuts lol.
But its not always like that. Just last month there was a naga, moneky, panda and redpanda.
And best of all these arent super expensive! prices starts at 62usd, more complicated ones are more expensive but most stay at that price!
The reasen being is that you have to still sand it and put it togeter. But alot of newbies had their first doll trough this and all have been able to do it!

So if your intrested recomend looking them up on instagram (frappzilla who is the artist or beemunchers who are more specified in the little dolls)

。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

Posted in Goblins hangout of randomness Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there

Random nonsense:
So a discord chat im on for specific kind of BJDs now has a minecraft server and i joined and have played for hours... Its alot of fun lol. Its really lowkey tho, like hostile mobs r turned off and when u die u keep ur stuff.
It mainly building rn and later on itl b a bit of roleplay.
My bestfriend joined aswel and ive been building this house for us that has a big wizard tower next to it.

This saterday will b a "meeting" just to gather everybody, make a plan on whats gonna happen andnlet chaos arise.
Sadly my friend wont be here all weekend bc shes going to larp, oh welp

。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

Posted in Goblins hangout of randomness Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there

@Shark: Typical teen stuff lol

@Totalanimefan: Hope you had atleast a lil fun with that!

。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

Posted in The Rainbow Bouquet - An Event Hangout! Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there

@CooperationIsKey: Ah yes understandable!
Majority of my dolls are indeed BJDs! (witch a few odd ones that technicly arent bjds but generally get accepted in the hobby like Azone and pullips)
Wierdly other dolls also give me the heebys geebys lol.
I just view my dolls more like art then really "dolls"

。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

Posted in Goblins hangout of randomness Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there

@Totalanimefan: Ah hello!!
The goblin comitee welcome you!

。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

Posted in Goblins hangout of randomness Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there

What is the longest youve stayed awake?:

Ok so it was just yesterday it was actually lol
But 3 days where i involentary took a nap at my desk.

The reasen being i had to finish a project for a contest wich ended yesterday.
So context: i collect bjds and theres this artist that very community based (like they interact wwith their lil comunity daily). And once in awhile theres a contest. Theres been one to design your own lil doll for 3 cotegories, the winner would get theirs designed, sold for a limited time and get a free doll of it. Not to blow my own horn but ya boi won 3th place in one and the ppl loved it so much they decided its gonna be made so yeehaw (its i tiny goblin lol) + one of the other categories was also loved, but wont be made into a full doll, id still count it as a win lol.

Annyway now the contest was, if you bought a lil diorama/house you can customize it however u want.
So i participated with a lil cafe build and made it into some kind of magical cafe. Its called "Fawnberrys magical Teahouse" (Fawnberry is a character of mine, a wizard naga).
And i basicly underestimated the time needed to do some stuff, at the end it wasent alot but it just took a long time. And bc i was stubborn i decided to work on it until done... except my adhd had other plans and i kept getting distracted (i watched a full hour on behinde the scenes of the hobbit lol)

But its done now! and im proud of it so heres some pictures:
(Dont worry for ppl with a doll phobia, theres no dolls in the pictures.

。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

Posted in The Rainbow Bouquet - An Event Hangout! Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there

I love halloween, even tho i ve never celebrated in my live lol.
Here in Belgium its never been huge. I remember as a kid having some school halloween events wich was fun. But i never went trick or treating.

However i love the decprations, my room has halloween decorations all year round.
I have tiny skeletons all over, a huge life sized skull that i put a wig on, some lil ghost "fairy" lights, + im a doll collector on the creative side and have been compared to sid from toystory more then once so i have some random doll heads/legs/hands all over aswel lol.

This halloween im participating in a competition for my doll hobby, the objective is to make them halloween costumes. However these specific dolls are super tiny, about 13cm tall (wich should be about 5 inches if im not mistaken).
I just finished another contest wich ive had many sleepness nights from so now im taking a break from the whole thing before jumping straight in gain and start planing lol

。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

Posted in Goblins hangout of randomness Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there



。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)

Posted in Goblins hangout of randomness Posted 3 years ago
(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)ノ Hello there


。.:☆*:・ヽ(˵◕ ᴥ ◕˵)