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Posted in Glume's Collection of Irrational Fears Posted 6 years ago
@Tuijp: Thats pretty awful. I at least tried to be a friendly creepy clown lady haha. Poor guys must want to get jumped.
Posted in Glume's Collection of Irrational Fears Posted 6 years ago
@Tuijp: I have a love hate relationship with clowns. As a child I had the usual, healthy fear. Then when I realized I was a creepy lady who enjoyed being creepy, I occasionally dressed as a clown to just strut around town, and thats great fun... until Juggalos happened. No hate here, I'm just not one and don't want to be confused for one if I'm just trying to be weird XD
Posted in Glume's Collection of Irrational Fears Posted 6 years ago
@Alatariel: Oh man. I had a weird elevator once. I interned at a city building with my bff in high school, and every other time we would use the elevator, it would take us to the creepy basement. Nobody was waiting there when we got there, and it took a bit longer to start to go back to the top floor where we worked. Nobody else experienced this problem but us.

@Tuijp: True, but the probability of death by mannequin is relatively small. I assume. I've done no actual research on this, and if I did, I'd probably find out death by clown is more common than I'm comfortable with.
Posted in Glume's Collection of Irrational Fears Posted 6 years ago
Hello my dears!

I'm starting a collection today, and I need your help.

I'm collecting irrational fears. So, if you're scared of something silly for seemingly no reason, share it here! I'll get us started with a few of my own.

Mannequins. Those creepy jerks just stare at you with blank, soulless eyes and a much better fashion sense. Did that one just change poses while I wasn't looking? I thought maybe I had seen some mannequin-based horror movie as a child, but whenever I look for it online I find some cheesey romance... so my conclusion is that they are actual evil incarnate.

Escalators. These modern conveniences are fantastic, unless you're always worried its going to suck up a loose bit of clothing and eat you alive. Also, how do you even dismount those things gracefully?

Big Mirrors.Turns out this one might not count for this particular collection... I've always felt uneasy around big mirrors, and never knew why. When I grew up and told my mother about this, she informed me a huge mirror fell on and shattered around me when I was a baby, but I was miraculously unharmed. Looks like I have a very legitimate reason to fear big mirrors. Too bad...
Posted in Happy 420 Day Posted 6 years ago
Ha, heres the thing. It used to be a protest. Now that its legal where I live, the same jerks that were trying to shut it down now run it. Got all these kids running off to the center of town to waste their money on merchandise while completely missing the point.
Posted in Hope my parents aren't stupid Posted 6 years ago
@vengeance: Thats a scary fact worth sharing, too.
Posted in Hope my parents aren't stupid Posted 6 years ago
@vengeance: Don't quote me on this, but where I live, I'm pretty sure that it is illegal to leave a dog alone in a hot car. It might be worth checking out local laws on that sort of thing. If common sense isn't persuasive, perhaps that can be.
Posted in Hallo! I’m new! Posted 6 years ago
@Alatariel: I'm more hoarder than collector! I used to game a lot more before I hit adulthood. Free time is the most magical thing in the world, I now realize.
Games you can replay are so beautiful. Thats why I'm all about the original elder scrolls games. I don't think I even touched the main quest line in those, just side questing for months straight. I'd love to be able to create a world someone could get that lost in one day.
Posted in Friend Breakups. Posted 6 years ago
It's always good to get rid of toxic people. I have a tendency to want to be everyone's mother/best friend, so when I see a loser that I know could be a winner with just a little help, I make it my duty to lift them up. Sadly, not all of these people want help, they just want another long grift. I had a friendship (I say friendship, but it was more like we were supporting and raising this full grown adult) of 4 years end because when we confronted said friend/roommate about doing something really morally questionable in our house, he decided to attack three people, one of whom was a small woman. I now have a restraining order against him, and it sucks, because we could have worked past the problem, but I'm not about to work with someone who resorts to violence.
A year later, I let another friend crash on my couch forEVER and he up and does THE EXACT same morally questionable thing in our house, even though we discussed it at length with him. He, at least had the decency to disappear into the night instead of assaulting three people.
The moral I take away from that isn't to not try to help people out, but to not have roommates :vanora_sweat:
Posted in Hallo! I’m new! Posted 6 years ago
@Alatariel: I've got to warn you, I'm pretty serious about my gaming. I've got 135 games on steam, and at least three walls stacked to the ceiling with games that existed before the internet took over. I started my journey at atari, and climbed my way up to pc <3
Posted in Hallo! I’m new! Posted 6 years ago
Hello! I also like drawing and gaming, you're in great company here.
Posted in I Hate Not Having The Internet! Posted 6 years ago
A few words of wisdom to help you through these trying times: Free Wifi Hotspots.
Make a local starbucks your new haunt if need be.
Posted in Do you ever see... Posted 6 years ago
It's all about the attitude.
Posted in grem's music hut [ OPEN ] Posted 6 years ago
Awesome! I could not even pick a solid favorite to recommend, so I went with the funniest one off their newest album but its all... solid gold. wink.