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@Alia Starchild: thank you, i felt it was appropriate!
@booty: i. am. SHOOKETH.
my wig was snatched.
my boots came off.
the spoopiest.
10/10 was spooped
@Neko: The green was a great choice.
@booty: yes.
let's get spoopy up in here!
@Neko: Ooooh you're spoopier than a ghost now!
@Neko: (|:|)
good, good.
@Neko: As you should be. I am a professional spoopy ghost as you can clearly see in my not-at-all-doctored photographic evidence.
@Neko: ghostie doesn't lie
this is an actual photograph of me actually haunting an arcade actually
@Neko: that's my day job.
@Neko: well, i lived before all this fancy technology so yes, very impressed by you. and google. and cell phones. and pinball machines. what a time to be undead!
@Neko: it did work. you are genius.
@Neko: double rip. rip squared.
@booty: nice to meet you, bri! i'm ghostie.
@Neko: just call me the titanic then.

@pixiebuns: lord have mercy. at least i will probably get the event sets in time. :vanora_upsidedown: