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Posted in Depression And Anxiety Posted 3 years ago
@Juliette: I work at a grocery store and I've been stuck at that job for nearly 3 years now. I absolutely hate it and I want to get a new job but none of the jobs in my area either hire for the hours that I need or have a position that I can actually fill because I haven't gone to college. : (
@Juliette: I have a question about your avatar's hair. Is that a specific item, or is there any way to get your hair color to blend like that?

@Aisukohi: I do want to see the classic movies but at the same time older graphics kind of make me cringe sometimes. I definitely want to watch E.T. though.
I feel like I'm the only one who hasn't watched like any classic movies? I haven't watched E.T., I haven't watched the Terminator, I haven't watched home alone I haven't watched the breakfast club or the fight club or any of that. It might be because I kind of grew up with anime because my parents are otaku's.
Posted in Language Learning Posted 3 years ago
@Starlight: To be honest, the only useful languages in my area are Spanish or Hmong. but I'm already in the middle of learning Swedish and I do not want to learn two languages at once. Plus there's really no way to learn Hmong, you can learn Spanish on duolingo, but no matter where I look on the internet you cannot learn hmong. Plus it's a tonal language and I feel like I would have a very hard time with that.
I don't really do any exercise frequently, I want to do I can lose weight, but like again with the weather and the cost of a gym membership I just can't. I was going to start exercising in the basement of where I live, but then somebody moved in there so I can't really. Once the weather gets better I'll see if I can like go on jogs or something.
Posted in Language Learning Posted 3 years ago
Considering where I live learning Swedish is kind of a useless language choice for me to learn because you don't really ever come across swedes in the united states, but like I still have fun with it.
I'm proud of it but at the same time if an actual swede came across me speaking my absolutely disgusting Swedish they would be horrified or at least embarrassed.
Doesn't help that I sort of have an accent.
I want to start exercising but with how cold it is outside I do not want to go out and I don't want to pay money for a gym membership.
Posted in Count Backwards from 100! Posted 3 years ago
Posted in Word Association Posted 3 years ago
Posted in What is your favourite sweet treat? Posted 3 years ago
My favorite sweet thing of all time is a cupcake, that should be pretty obvious considering what my name. But I don't know why it's my favorite, there's no legit reason other than you can take the bottom off of a cupcake and make a sandwich.
If I went out with a hoodie and shorts I would freeze to death, there isn't a whole lot of snow outside right now and I'm grateful for that but it's still REALLY cold. Also I just got new glasses and I'm an happy about that. :)
@Wildfire: yeah usually it's okay I have like four younger siblings though and they get annoying. The house is never quiet, there's never a dull moment.
@Wildfire: My mom told me that today is the big day, she said that yesterday is the day when you're not supposed to leave the house during the night because of like a hunt and fairies or something. And no I didn't, I'm an atheist, they do all the celebrating. I just come over because they're my family.
@Ouja Akuma: That makes sense I guess, if you can bundle up warm enough and you have a shoveled path it is kind of pretty just to see the sunlight reflecting off of it, and I guess it must be fun to watch dogs playing in it, although I don't have any dogs I'm more of a cat person.