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And mom doesn't help much either. No matter what she needs help with, she always asks me. We had a problem with that before, how she was in recovery, so she couldn't do a lot of things and instead of asking both of us to help her out, it was only me.

It's not even a house. It's an apartment, so not that big. Even so, he really doesn't help out. It was his turn to clean our bathroom, but I had to do it because he was showing no signs of cleaning it.

Kind of out of it today. Wanted to sleep more, but grocery shopping to be done and since my brother doesn't help out much at home, I had to go despite having allergies. Soon as I got back, had to prepare the bean salad mom eats.
Posted in ACNH Swap/Trade Thread! Posted 4 years ago

@Kitalpha Hart: No dice. It's definitely the router needing replacing.
Posted in ACNH Swap/Trade Thread! Posted 4 years ago

@Kitalpha Hart: Following support instructions right now. Once I'm done, I'll test it to see if it worked.
Posted in ACNH Swap/Trade Thread! Posted 4 years ago

@Kitalpha Hart: Yes, I have the subscription, game's fully updated. I'll try checking if the Nat type is the problem, though I mentioned the router because I've had issues with it before and it's currently having issues now that it might need replacing.
Posted in ACNH Swap/Trade Thread! Posted 4 years ago

Until I figure out why I can't connect and play online with others, can't really do trades or swaps. Possible it's just my router, but if it isn't, meh.

Only thing I'd be interested in for the time being, since I'm still pretty new(only just got KK to visit last week) are pears and oranges. I have yet to find either one despite my hunting.

Baby was all alone with just one other Cubone and I couldn't leave it there. Dx
I...kinda couldn't resist.

I haven't even told her about my best friend's wedding invitation(which is for me alone. Mom isn't included) and her asking me to be her man of honor.

I live with her and have no else I could stay with, so I'm stuck with her. There's a very clear favoritism when it comes to how she treats my brothers versus how she treats me. She doesn't see it though. Since she can't even bother with my pronouns, I'm not going to ask her to use my name either. I've simply avoided bringing it up since that breakdown she had(I apparently "ruined her night" by asking that of her).

I only have one poster up at the moment since the big one I had, the frame fell apart and I'm waiting for a work check before buying a new one. Friend of mine might possibly make me some art that I can frame later.

My mom's just a bit of a basket case. Ever since I requested she use the correct pronouns when referring to me and her total breakdown, I try to avoid doing things that would set her off. She's extremely attached to the idea of having a daughter to dress up and shit.

Much as I'd love to shave it, especially with how hot it's been... My mom is too attached to my hair. She kicks up a fuss whenever I dye it or get it cut. Always the same old "Your hair is so beautiful, why are you ruining it?!? Let it grow out, it's too beautiful for you to keep it short."

Been trimming the ends. Nothing too fancy. Back is trickier, so I just grab the hair that's longest and cut so it matches the length of the rest of it. I would prefer just shaving it all off, but I know doing that would lead to my mom having a heart attack.