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First, go to the first page, and right click on your pumpkin's image and "copy image address", then go up to "Settings" on your Voltra tab, then there are four new tabs. Go to "Forum" and on that page it gives you two options. The left side concentrates on your post style. Like if you wanted to add gifs or images on your post. On the right there's your Signature. Just click the Image button on the right, and paste the image link of your pumpkin between the
[img] [/img]

Then hit save signature and it should show up. Then whenever it changes, just copy the new code I post and swap it out :)

"Oh, the tired horror!"

If you do, you'd be the first person to have a complete pumpkin. Also you can put it in your signature too and show it off. Do you know how to do that?

"Oh, the tired horror!"

You even pinged two other people and they've not taken the hit. So I guess by page ten you'll be the one to get the last piece of the pumpkin if you claim the knife and are the other person on top besides me on page 10

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Yeah haha. I'm glad people came around. Though I should stop talking, so someone else has a chance to get the page ten prize.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

haha that's funny. I post a knife when nobody else but you are here lol

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Actually what's funny, is in the town we lived in like 20 years ago, the Dairy Queen shut down when I was a kid. It was a small town. When we moved out here to this town, I came across a Dairy Queen that still was running. I went in only a few times. We also have this really neat kind of Drive in deal that's called Lou's Burgers. It's a mom/pop kind of restaurant. They make *really* good burgers and milkshakes.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

I think it's a West Coast thing. It's like a better Taco Bell that also serves fries and burgers as well. They have some really good big burritos and nachos that taste loads better than Taco Bell.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

I had Del Taco for dinner.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

It just turned out that most of the time, I'd need stuff from both a Walmart and a grocery store. We don't really have too many of those here. We have a Winco, a Foodmaxx and a Bel Air. They're pretty expensive and doesn't always have everything we need. Like a pharmacy department or big bags of dog food or whatever. I'm glad we have like two Super Wally Worlds near us because sometimes I can only get certain things at either or. Depends on the week.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Posted in Art , Games, and chatter - Free art page 35! Posted 4 years ago

*peeks head in*

"Oh, the tired horror!"

I go to a Super Walmart. They have a Walmart side with clothes n shiz and a grocery side for food n shiz. So whilst I was on the clothing side, I found a grey hoodie with dark blue moons on it.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

Boring groceries lol. I did get a cute hoodie with moons on it. Aside from that, just some regular groceries. Nothing super exciting XD.

"Oh, the tired horror!"

I had to go grocery shopping today, which is why I was absent most of the day. But I'm back from my shower and ready to chat with some people :D

"Oh, the tired horror!"

I"m gonna make sure some other people are chatting before I post other knives. I want others to get the chance to quote it back. You only have one part left Alice. The mouth. But you can win page prizes too, that'll be the only way your pumpkin will get stuff added to it.

"Oh, the tired horror!"