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@Luffer Nutter: -is poked! oAo!!- Abort mission!
I kid. How're you all!
@Mica: Haha thanks! I stole it from a friend's OC but I do maintain some sort of theme across the sites I've been on. >w>
@Dowan: Thank you!!
OH WHOOPS I was meant to help yall to 1.9K. I got sidetracked because of dinner and other obligations.
-rolls into the thread at a high speed- Hello!
Posted in losing large amounts of weight Posted 7 years ago
Thank you so so so much for posting this.
As of a recent health examination, I am overweight, with a waistline larger than the local standard, and a severely unbalanced fat to muscle ration. It was a big blow to me and I'm still in denial because up until these past three years, i have been very underweight. And it was definitely not healthy either; I didn't exercise and i was a picky eater. As I ate more in range and amount though, I somehow shifted the nature of my metabolism and now all the weight I've gained has stuck.

As a kid, being chubby was cute, and I was a literal bag of bones. So not cute. Now I'm grown up and suddenly being chubby, which I am now, is just not okay. I used to be forcefed because my parents didn't want strangers to think they were starving me. But I think people are crueler to heavier people. I have family members pinching my fat and slapping my ass and calling me a pig. So while I used to complain about being too thin, I now know how brutal and rude people can be to heavy people.

I still don't exercise. It's very hard for me to do so because I have a rare disorder that makes it so I can't process energy from foods properly. It leaves me tired and fatigued and easily winded. It's a vicious cycle...
Posted in Nanowrimo Posted 7 years ago
I've attempted NaNoWriMo and its camps almost every year since the beginning of high school. I never got beyond day four of writing though, and certainly never met my word goals. For me, it's just a fun excuse to be writing and plotting stories and making characters. But I rarely commit to it.
Posted in Warframe Posted 7 years ago
I've played Warframe on and off for a few months. I think it's a really cool and dynamic game and I'd love to play it more. Alas, I kind of suck at these games in general.
Posted in The Mothership -Fav Hero?? page 51 prize! Posted 7 years ago
POPS IN because the question/topic caught my interest. I love superhero settings and making superpowered original characters but for myself it's harder to pick a set of powers I'd rather have. I have a ghost theme going on in my online presence so I guess logically my powers would be ghost physiology! though i'd love to do illusions or creation or something elemental.'s hard to answer this. XD
G'night Panda!!
@Raxton: It's relatable. XD Even though I'm only 20. I have problems with processing energy though so that might explain my constant tiredness.
Aaa thank you! ;w;
It's not as great as what i had hoped to be by this stage but I remind myself that younger me would die of amazement at my improvement lol.
Posted in Unpopular Opinions: Music Edition! Posted 7 years ago
All my friends seem to like indie bands with deep, incomprehensible lyrics... i don't hate these at all, I just find it confusing when you could be listening to more upbeat and rock-y things.
I personally like metal and rock, the more aggressive the better, usually. Slow songs make me impatient.
A friend and a fiend...
I'm starting to feel burnout even though I haven't done much. Maybe it's from running around the city earlier today. :P
I'm a lil busy with life but i'm still open. -winks-
[...] and from rain. Correction made on 10/23: And from Para's hands. :U