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Forums General Chit-Chat HW help, idk how to write this..

Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/21 16:12:36 )

In my swedish massage textbook there are these "case studies" which are like... just hypothetical scenarios of clients walking in, most of it is assessing them and whatever health condition they may have, and then how the therapist makes judgements to help the clients.

Well I'm supposed to choose one and write a review on it.

To my understanding, a review is a feedback???? Am I supposed to be like yea good job fictional massage therapist for doing your thing??
What is a review in this context... a summary? ;A;

I feel so stupid, but I didn't do things like this in highschool at all

Donator — haunting Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/21 18:03:44 )
sounds like you should critique anything it sounds like the therapist did wrong or could have done better, and point out things you think the therapist did right, in the context of the client


hello again

Voltie — she/her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/21 20:15:46 )

That's kind of what I was thinking, but 90% of the text is just client assessments. "They stand like this, as result to these muscles or fascia being whack" kinda stuff.. its written more to be educational for us to visually assess people better.

idk, it just makes so little sense to me ;n;
I can write an essay about how to treat a client with injuries just fine. But changing the format of what I need to write just hurts my brain
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