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Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/11 08:22:04 )
@Booderdooder: I'm so used to the photoshop ones and I really should find out which one is for moving the canvas/layer. it's v on photoshop and I keep pressing that key but it's not it xD
I've tried to hitting other buttons to see if I'll happen upon it, but alas it hasn't worked out yet |D

undo is at least the same. and brush/pen/eraser are logical enough/the same

but move!! what is move xD

art shop
isn't that lovely, isn't that cool and isn't that cruel

Donator — She/They Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/17 02:50:39 )

I am back! It took me a while to get back home this week between classes and work.
Though with COVID-19, my classes are being switched to "online", so we'll see how that goes.
Work, of course, will make me come in until I die.

Anybody around? What's the state of things where you live?


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/19 05:29:01 )
I'm just chilling
I haven't worked for 3.5 weeks now

cases are down here thoughhh. we're on the mend. it's funny (in the dry kind of way?) that it's a big deal now that the west is dealing with it. it's what everyone is talking about haha


Donator — She/They Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/20 02:07:32 )

@eerie: Loving your avatar >>

Weirdly, I think I heard more news about it when it was occurring in the east. Like, people were actually...y'know,
RESPONDING and treating it like it was a pandemic. The US has been sooo slow to react, and now we're all
gonna be so unprepared. I suppose the view of the chaos depends on where you're at. Maybe I have just
been avoiding the news lately more than I was before. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Anyway, hope you're doing okay! That's a long time to be out of work.

Donator — She/Crazy Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/20 02:57:22 )

Best of luck getting everything on your wishlist! ^_^


Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/03/21 04:13:47 )
@Booderdooder: haha oddly enough people really seem to like this one

hmmm I don't watch the actual news, so I guess I meant more like on here and on social media. everyone and their grandmother is talking about it now. washing hands/staying indoors, the chaos at grocery stores, etc.

I won't be working until April 6. and that's also a hopefully
the biggest worry/struggle is transferring the visa at immigration

I'm the master of me and isn't the thought enough to lift you off of the ground?

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