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Forums General Chit-Chat Good deals at second hand shops

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/21 16:46:43 )

Ever get there and then seeing some super good deals? Even if it's not something you would buy.
I saw one today. I walked passed the desk chairs and saw one where you could adjust the armrest. And I was like "O is it an ergonomic desk chair!". So I look closely at it and then see a tag. O so a makers name. Now it get's really interesting. So I google the name and desk chair and the first thing I get is "Ask for an quotation". Hmmm I don't think that chair would be $50 new then. So I check on google images and hey I see the one that's in front of me:

And behold! New 640 euro's which is around $710! It was a bit damaged. But if I didn't have an ergonic desk chair already I would have picked it up and have it checked out and fixed.


Donator — Frog bless Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/21 16:53:52 )

I shop 2nd hand fairly frequently since you never know what you're going to find. I will say though that offices tend to just dump all their furniture when they get new stuff, even if the things they have are still in good condition. If you catch wind of an office moving or going out of business, might be worth doing a little dumpster diving for some quality furniture.

Mallow Tumbleweed
My Sons

Donator — she/they Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/01/21 23:47:03 )
I used to work at and manage a Thrift store. There were rules about items having to be on the floor for a few hours before you could buy it, but it wasn't hard to get exactly what you wanted from the donations. When I first started, they would give us vouchers as incentive (and instead of raises :/ ) and I would save mine up to get the cool stuff. The day I got a pair of $100+ Harley Davidson boots for free, they stopped giving me vouchers XD
My style was never as on point since I left there, but my sanity is much better <3
Ping me, Devil Daddy, ping me.

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