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Donator — Him, He Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/02/26 01:49:16 )
@erebus: Well dang. I hope for peace to flood his heart, and increase of peace within your workspace.

Donator — Him, He Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/02/26 01:50:27 )
What channels are you subbed to?

Donator — She/They Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/02/26 01:51:31 )
@Erebus: I get A LOT of that too.
As for me, the usual. Guys hitting on me even though I couldn't act more disinterested if I tried.
I wanna snatch their eyeballs and put them back backwards.

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/02/26 02:02:37 )
oh deer...

@Colan: more than actually watch. Haha
The ones I'm probably watching the most now are
Mother's basement
Game grumps
A lot of different sewing channels
Philip DeFranco
Gus Johnson

What about you?

@Booderdooder: I hate that. I get that at work too. I'm the only woman who works on the warehouse floor right now. All the other women work in the office.


Donator — She/They Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/02/26 02:07:29 )
@Erebus: Right, like I know your mama did not raise you to hit on women while they're working.
We can't leave, we gotta serve you, and we can't tell you to f**k off.
SO unprompted.

Donator — Him, He Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/02/26 02:12:39 )
@erebus: Oooh I've heard of some of those channels. Had some friends who watch Game Grumps and Jacksfilms. I used to watch Philip after waking up way back in 2018, and Mother's Basement before I found some other anime channels I preferred.

Right now I watch kinda all over the place but:

Rare Earth
Chilledcow (and other lofi channels)
Oki's Weird Stories
The Cosmonaut Variety Hour
(a lotta anime channels)
(a lotta video essays on movies channels)

There's waaaaaaaaay more, but these are my go to's right now I think. (Although I am also always lookin for new jams on youtube)
If you can't tell I'm a Youtube no life, so ye.

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/02/26 02:13:09 )
oh deer...

@Booderdooder: Riiiight? Especially when they are your coworker. Like this is a job not a singles bar. I'm working go away.
There's was another girl at my job a while back and I'm pretty sure left cause these thirsty dudes would not leave her alone.


Donator — Him, He Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/02/26 02:15:24 )
This might be the perfect to ask this: I think this woman who works at my local Publix is cute and wanna let her know that. Can I let her know like when she takes my cart to my car, or should I just leave it alone? I mean I haven't said anything for like a really looooong time so I'm thinkin I oughtta just drop it and move on.

Donator — She/Her Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/02/26 02:18:27 )
oh deer...

@Colan: I've watched some of rare Earth's videos I like them
You should check out Biographics and Geographics. They are history type channels and really interesting.
Krispnatz is and anime/weaboo channel. He covers a lot of different stuff but mostly BL/yoai and fujoshi bait stuff. I'm not big into yaoi but he is funny af

And leave her alone boi she is working and that is a terrible time to hit on a woman.


Donator — Him, He Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/02/26 02:25:21 )
@erebus: Alrighty. I'll give a look to some Bio/geo/grapho stuff, thanks. And fair nuff, you right. It's probably for the best anyhow. he he

Donator — She/They Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/02/26 03:58:40 )
@Erebus: YEAH there was a guy that had started working here a while ago, but I knew him from a few years before
because he was the first guy to give me his number (unprompted) when I first moved here.
THEN he got fired for sending dick pics to girls at work! Dodged that bullet for sure.

@Colan: I believe you have nothing but good intentions, and appreciate that you came and asked some wahmen before making a move.
Unfortunately, there's a rare time and place for getting hit on. Like, if a girl is out with some friends at a club and she seems like she's open to having a conversation, safe to say she's looking for it.
But you have to look at situations from their shoes. Guys are intimidating. It's hard to say no to a man asking for your number or whatever because sure, he could take it well and say cool, have a nice day.
Or, he could wait outside your work and then murder you. We can't tell. We have to read the situation and take it from there.
So waiting for her to push a cart to your car, where she will then be alone with you, is definitely scarier for her than you ever intended it to be.
Maybe try to show interest just by being chipper with her, try to crack a joke that's totally platonic and not flirty, and let her get to know you first. Then see how she takes to it.

Donator — Him, He Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/02/26 05:01:53 )
@booderdooder: Thank you. I've been sittin here thinkin about it though and I think I'mma stay outta the game. I enjoy just chillin like this, so why screw it up doing something unnecessary, right? It would suck to not be able to go to my favorite grocer just because of one little goofy thought.

Thank you both again for hittin me with that info. Catcha on the flippy flip.

Donator — Him, He Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/02/26 06:40:01 )
But anywho, night peepsies. :wave:

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/02/26 15:05:17 )

good morning lovelies. <3


Donator — Him, He Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/02/26 15:11:52 )
Hey Bonnie. Nice new avi ya got there. Goin for like a demoness fairy queen kinda deal, huh?

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/02/26 15:18:03 )

@Colan: I guess so I wasn’t thinking that but I guess it works. A lot of the time when I make an avatar it’s literally just me putting colors and items together to balance the colors.

Themes are like secondary lol


Donator — Him, He Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/02/26 15:35:17 )
@bonnie: You're unknowingly a theme generator. Putting together masterpieces on the flippity fly.

Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/02/26 15:43:04 )

@Colan: lol I guess. How are you this morning?



Donator Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/02/26 15:44:33 )

Hey there guys.

Donator — Him, He Posted 4 years ago ( 2020/02/26 15:48:34 )
@bonnie: I'm doin alright, thanks for askin. How you doing now that you're back at the crib?

@vengeance: What's up? You're dad chillin out with the tunes today?

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