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Forums Charities Newcomer supply depot

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/3 21:39:35 )

Welcome to Newcomer supply depot. A charity run by Vengeance. Here I will give away free event/knick knack items to new people. If you are new and would love some free event items then read further. Everyone is welcome to chat! Old and new!

Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/3 21:40:03 )

So you are here and would love some freebies? Good! Read the rules first and then you can continue.
  • You can ask for freebies if your account is not older then 6 months.
  • Don't try and use an mule for extra items.
  • Fill out the form correctly.
  • You can find previews of all event/knick knack items over here.
  • You will get a trade from one of my mules
    Please note I do not have extra's of all event/knick knack items so don't be shy and only list like 3 items you want. List as many as you like. That way I got something to pick!

    [u]@vengeance: I would love some event/knick knack freebies![/u]
    [b]Event/knick knack items wishlist![/b]
  • Report

    Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/3 21:40:35 )

    Alicethemadhatter - Ribbon Candy, Sour Candy & Trick's Victory
    Colan - Chocolate Coin, Dad Fashion, Holiday Gifts, Holiday Lights, Holiday Mistletoe, Holiday Voltra Globe, Vregory Hair
    Booderdooder - Skullie Helmet, Queen Of Hearts, Virgil’s Jacket, Virgil’s Hair & Beanie, Virgil’s Memories, Solstice Spirit
    Erebus - Solstice Spirit, Land separating ocean and sea
    keo - Candy Corn Witch Broom, Candy Corn Witch Hat, Candy Corn Witch Shoes, Reaper Smile, Reaper Jacket & Vigilante Gear
    cuttlefish - Vregory's Friends, Violet's Curls, Violet's Dress, Leo, King Brothers & Team Treat
    Aisukohi - Reaper Smile, Survivor Crafted Pants, Cyberon, Cyberonica, Team Trick, Team Treat
    Kairie - Candy Cane Staff, Holilday Lights, Holiday Mistletoe, Hiliday Gifts, Holiday Voltra Globe, Solstice Holiday Socks
    Fraynos - Candy Cane Staff, Holilday Lights, Holiday Mistletoe, Hiliday Gifts, Holiday Voltra Globe, Solstice Holiday Socks
    Rocker - Reaper Boots, Survival Crafted Armor, Skullie Helmet, Chocolate Coin, Team Trick
    Kawaii - Caramel, Mom Fashion, Ribbon Candy
    Whimsy - Ribbon Candy, Velvet's Memories, Twin's Spells, Violet's Memories, Solstice Spirit
    Castiel - Pride Cardigan 2k19, Papa's Lil Angel
    elwyse - Candy Corn Witch Stockings, Candy Corn Witch Shoes, Violet's Curls, Summer Fox, Solstice Spirit
    astonishingly bland - Viv's Flower, Cool Duck Floatie, Beach Background, Land Separating Ocean and Sea, Vreg is King
    Junko7 - Reaper Scythe, Bernard, Acrobat, Blossom, Cool Mint
    Galaxy - Candy Cane Staff, Holilday Lights, Holiday Mistletoe, Hiliday Gifts, Holiday Voltra Globe, Solstice Holiday Socks, Holiday Gingerbread Earings
    Koah - Vibrance Day Bundle
    SuperZombiePotatoe - Team Treat, Team Trick, Gummy Bear, Oracle, Land Separating Ocean and Sea
    lycheeforest - Vyctor's Horns, Reaper Scythe, Heart Bubble (V-day 2k18), Mom Fashion, Caramel
    Lilykin - Summer Fox, Twin's Spells, Missing Spell Book
    LilMissKushy - Holiday Gifts, Holiday Lights, Holiday Mistletoe, Holiday Voltra Globe, Soliste Holiday Socks
    Gossip - Vanora's Belt, Valentina's Tool Belt, Reaper Jacket, Skullie Belt, Caterpillar
    marupiter - Violet's Curls, Virgil's Hair & Beanie, Team Trick, Ribbon Candy, Caramel
    Marley - Hula
    Evilcupcakecat - Suprise Party, Wounded Wildcat
    GoblinsAndTea - Vyctor's Horns, Vregory Hair, Moonflower, Sunflower, Wonderland

    Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/3 23:19:11 )

    @Totalanimefan: No total! XD I have over 1 mil volts.

    Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/4 14:14:16 )

    @Vengeance: Oh cool - this is really nice of you. I don't qualify (hard to believe I've been here "that long" already), but I would appreciate some of the holiday goodies...

    I would like a set!
    Username: Wildfire

    Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/4 16:29:13 )

    @Wildfire: Will send you a trade with the christmas goodies.

    Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/4 16:40:41 )

    @vengeance: Thank you <3

    Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/4 16:41:54 )

    @Wildfire: You welcome. How are you today?

    Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/4 16:47:18 )

    @vengeance: I'm doing ok - a little distracted, a little tired, random things to take care of - but I'm doing well, thanks. How are you?

    Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/4 16:48:21 )

    @vengeance: oh hey - you sent me a bunch of lobster suits, right? Do you want them back? I 99.99% won't use them...

    Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/4 16:50:21 )

    @Wildfire: My hip hurts like hell :( Can barely walk.
    Give those away to other people! XD


    Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/4 16:55:30 )

    @vengeance: What's wrong with your hip? Ironically, one of mine is bothering me today too... not sure what's going on with it. And ok - figured I'd offer them back to you first.

    I need to be AFK for a bit... be back in about an hour or so.

    Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/4 16:59:27 )

    @Wildfire: No idea :( It started to hurt yesterday evening.

    Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/4 18:40:19 )

    @vengeance: Well that doesn't sound like much fun!

    Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/4 18:44:16 )

    @Wildfire: It isn't. I just had to do doggy walk.

    Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/4 18:45:51 )

    @vengeance: Yeah, I had to do that earlier too...
    Well, whatever it is, I hope it's temporary.

    Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/4 21:10:25 )

    @Wildfire: I am sure it is.

    Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/4 21:16:52 )

    @vengeance: Good!

    Donator Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/4 21:21:45 )

    @Wildfire: Doing anything at the moment?

    Voltie Posted 5 years ago ( 2019/12/4 21:47:32 )

    @vengeance: Right this second? Not particularly. I have to go cook dinner soon though...
    ┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

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    Having you as a Voltie would be awesome.