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Forums General Chit-Chat I'm too scared to get a tattoo.

Donator — sheep Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/10 00:30:54 )
I want one. I've wanted one for years. I even have one picked out, the spot on my body I want it, and the tattoo shop in town that I want to do it. I just can't pull the trigger. I've had all this information for several years now, and I can afford to do it.

BUT WHY CAN'T I DO IT? I want a tattoo so bad. I love them and it's a huge dream of mine, even though it's something so simple.

If you have tattoos, how did you get over the fear of needles/pain if you had any? What tattoos do you have? Do they have meaning, or just for fun?

For anyone curious, this is the tattoo I want.

@ me to get my attention or I probably won't respond

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/10 01:36:53 )
I’m not to sure. I did find talking to my artist calmed me down a lot.

I honestly, just love the aesthetic of this artist. I got the May Birth Flower Lily in the valley, to remember my mom.

I have two more pieces I want.

That design is really nice. Can you have a friend go in with you?

Voltie — HIM Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/10 01:41:34 )
You already know what you want and where you want it, so you could do a little drinking before getting it done.
Just don't drink so much you end up going "ah, fuck it, let's do another one now too!" lol
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Donator — Trash Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/10 02:16:48 )

Tbh when I got my first tattoo, the idea of the needle completely passed my mind.
I literally never thought about it until I went into the shop lol. I guess my excitement for new ink
just surpasses my fear haha. I have 6 tattoos, but I dont get nervous/scared until right before the needle touches me.
After that I just focus on staying still and I eventually get used to the feeling of it.
You may feel harsh pain depending on your pain tolerance/location but it's what comes with the whole process.
If youre reallllyy afraid to go in by yourself, its not bad to bring someone with you to help you get through it.
If anything your artist should also be accommodating and be checking on you throughout the tattoo since it'd be your first one.
You can totally do it, I believe in you!
Your design is really cute too, I don't think it should take any longer than maybe 30 min.
Also no caffeine, energy drinks, or alcohol before the tattoo. It thins your blood and makes you bleed more.


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Donator — 0% Edible Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/10 03:45:08 )

I have two tattoos. One on my right wrist and one on my left wrist. Right is a heart with a cross coming out of it, not sure why since I'm not Christian. Just ever since I was a small child it's something I really liked drawing. My tattoo is actually my own design that I drew myself. On my left is the emblem for Nightwing which is Robin all grown up. He's been my favorite superhero for a very long time now, back when I first saw Batman the Animated Series. Lol made a joke once to an ex that I was going to get the emblem all huge and on my chest. Didn't do that though. I'm hoping to have more tattoos down the line.
Can't say that I've ever been scared of needles or pain. For my it didn't hurt as much as it itched like hell. The second tattoo, Nightwing, that was done by a friend of mine. So chatting with her about our mutual classes at a vocational school really made things fly on by.


Voltie — they/them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/10 10:35:31 )
I've never had a tattoo before, but I think if one day you just get up, go and do it without much thinking it would be best. Overthinking is always killing me but I found out that I can go around it by just ripping the bandage without a second thought.

I really really want a tattoo as well, but what stops me really is the cost.

Good luck to you and I hope you get to have it done soon!!
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Donator — Winchester Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/11/10 13:03:18 )
We’ll carry on

I’m not too good with needles either (I had my blood drawn a lot over the years and it went wrong so many times), but getting a tattoo is nothing like it.
I got my tattoo in the same place I got my first piercing, by the daughter of the owner. The hardest thing was sitting still for an hour.
The conplete time I was there, I was sitting there like “dude, is this it?”. Yeah you feel it but even bumping your knee hurts more.


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