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Forums General Chit-Chat Tell Me You Ghost Stories

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/29 21:40:48 )

Pfft so what if I'm like two days early of October. Don't care. I want your best personal or local or whatever ghost stories. Every town has at least one, so I want to hear'em.

A month ago a friend of mine did some automatic writing, was rather interesting. My area has a few ghost stories, and places that are claimed to be haunted. Like this old broken down shack/slave house I think, there's a pretty mean spirit attached to it. Not surprising given its history. We also had our very own abandoned asylum, which I got to explore the inside of before it was torn down. Was an amazing experience.

There's also my very own personal story. Involving an elderly lady spirit who scared the crap out of me as a child. Not because she was aggressive, but because she was an adult who caught a tiny Ama being bad. I ran into my grandmother's bedroom scared this old lady was going to spank me for being out of bed. I don't remember the more aggressive ghost that was also in that house, but he was why we moved. The elderly ghost followed us. It took my maternal grandmother having a chat with her to finally make it stop.

Skeptics, I'm totally cool with y'all. Just don't be dicks about it, alright?


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/29 21:59:02 )

@kiwi: It was shut down back in 83, and it has all kinds of rumors about it. Like patient abuse and all that fun stuff generally associated with asylums. It was part of a chain that had similar problems at the other branches. Mostly it was shut down because of cancer causing mold and shit. So it was very dangerous for me to have been in there, but it was just too fascinating to pass up. My ex-fiance did tell me about a time when he was pushed out a second story window by absolutely nothing. He swears that he didn't lose his footing, that he felt a shove. He was there alone. They put a very fancy apartment complex there, and supposedly those apartments do have issues with ghosts.


Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/29 22:39:34 )
Oh gosh, uhm. I'm not really sure it's a ghost story or anything, but..

When I was a kid, there was a time where I used to go through half-asleep, half-awake moments A LOT. It happened after a really traumatic incident so I assume it's related to that. Anyway, uh, I had a nightmare where there was something staring at me but I couldn't find where it was, and after I had woken up - for reals, because I kept having false awakenings - I found something staring at me from the foot of my bed.

The only thing that made it worse for me, for whatever reason, was my bed was shoved right up against the wall and I didn't have a mirror.

Donator — They/them Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/30 02:50:03 )

I had nearly forgotten this but once encountered the Night Hag. (aka sleep paralysis)
"The night hag or old hag is a creature sighted by various people which is used to explain the phenomenon of sleep paralysis. It is a phenomenon during which a person feels a presence of a supernatural malevolent being which immobilizes the person as if sitting on his/her chest or the foot of his/her bed."

Anyways, one night I woke up to the feeling of a hand wrapping around my throat,
I couldn't move even tho I tried to, but I was able to open my eyes to see that nothing was there
but the feeling of that hand was still there.
A few seconds of being scared lasted forever but eventually I was able to move again.

Another story I have happened when I was a kid,
outside my bedroom was the access panel to the attic/ceiling space that no one used.
Some nights I would hear a young child's voice coming from the attic calling out a name that I didn't know.

Last story I have. I had a clown doll that was sitting on a chair when it began to move,
side to side while making weird noises. I flung that doll into the top of a closet where it was hard to get to.
Years later I found that doll in my bedroom, all the way downstairs. It's still here but I don't know where it is.
(Avatar Closet)

Donator — she/they Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/30 10:33:16 )
As a narcoleptic *waves to Millet* I also suffer from sleep paralysis a lot *waves to Zuzu*, and with that often comes dark shadowy figures and general doomy feels. These experiences happen to a lot of people so I'm always on the fence between inter-dimensional beings and tricks of the mind. I like to entertain the idea that its both, because life is more exciting with possibilities.
Anyhow, a few encounters stick out in my mind. Growing up with them, I eventually worked up the courage and strength to move either my body or my dream body to lash out at one of these dark looming figures (it had been tugging at my blankets a few nights in a row) I remember vividly feeling the impact as I tried to scratch at its face, then it was gone and I fell back asleep. I was so convinced I really hit something that I was checking my parents faces for scratch marks the next day. After that, they stopped appearing for a while.
Fast forward to my late teens when I was staying over at a relatives house. I had another one looming over the foot of my bed, but my dread was significantly less, and something seemed different. The room I was in vibrated the need for me to get out of it, and I immediately woke up and went to sleep elsewhere. Turns out the new husband of said relative, who was sleeping in the next room, was a dangerous volatile pervert, and I was probably saved from a really sketchy situation.
Most recently though was my weirdest one. I had been having a bad cluster headache that day, so I went to sleep it off in the darkness of my bedroom. This one was different because my room appeared suddenly as though it was bathed in broad daylight, and I saw three creatures hovering over me. They were either made of light, or light was bending around them. They were reaching towards me, doing... something? One seemed to notice me noticing it, and they were gone. I fell back to sleep more slowly and hazily than usual. There was no feeling of dread at this point, and it left me feeling kinda special.
So... even if it is just my brain being weird, its still pretty fun and interesting...
Ping me, Devil Daddy, ping me.

Donator — 0% Edible Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/10/1 23:42:36 )

I'm very glad that's not something I've ever had to deal with.

I did break down in tears once, we were at a civil war battlefield at night. I just felt sorrow and pain, and cried until we left.


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