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Forums Entertainment True crime fans

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/5 05:03:59 )
Not to be creepy, but I love murder shows. My fascination began in childhood with Unsolved Mysteries... Back then I only liked the ones about UFOs and ghosts. I don't believe in those things anymore, and now I'm more into Forensic Files. Anyone else?

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Voltie — HIM Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/5 05:17:39 )
I like crime shows.
My favorites are Criminal Minds, Numb3rs, and Blue Bloods.

Only ignorant people would really think that liking crime shows is creepy.
Besides, there are plenty of people with more macabre interest/hobbies, and even then it's not that creepy.
Things like that can be fascinating.
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Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/5 05:37:04 )
I like fictional crime shows as well. My favorite is Medium. The cast is just fantastic and I love the balance between their home lives and work lives.

Thank you for the gifts, by the way! Nice to meet you. ^^

Donator — she/they Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/5 17:50:05 )
I'm fascinated by serial killers. They operate in a completely different way than the average killer. I like watching shows about them, but I much prefer to hear them tell their own twisted version of things. We can all sit and speculate why but only they can really shed light on the subject.
Ping me, Devil Daddy, ping me.

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/5 20:05:17 )
I prefer crimes of passion, myself, and stories about people who plot to kill their spouses and even their own children for money and worse reasons. I do follow a lot of serial killer stories, though, because those are the ones that intrigue most people and there are a lot of documentaries about them.

The story I've been most interested in lately is about the man who murdered his neighbor, who was a combat veteran who had saved all his hazard pay while in the Gulf, so he could steal his debit card. The killer was an actor, and he asked the vet to help him carry some boxes in the attic of the theater where he performed, and instead shot him. He admitted to laughing as the vet pleaded for help, thinking he'd been electrocuted. Then he cut him into pieces and went back to the vet's apartment, using the dead man's cell phone to text and lure a female friend over, to murder her and make it look like the two had been in an argument and the vet had killed her and fled.

That was about the most twisted thing I've ever heard. I keep looking up articles and TV specials about it and I'm still in complete shock that someone could be that cold for some cash. He just wanted to throw a fancy party for his wedding and now he'll never even get married. I think they're still trying to decide if his former fiancee had anything to do with it. Neither of them ever indicated he had anything to do with it, and based on their recorded telephone conversations I believe she didn't. But she is a hundred times less emotional than he is, so I feel like she probably is a psychopath herself.

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