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Voltie — HIM Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/3 19:30:22 )
I know that NPCs interact quite a bit during events and such,

But I think it would be really cool if they posted around a little more outside of event times.
Not saying it has to be constant, of course.

But a post or two by a different NPC, every day or two.
Not super in depth, but maybe comments in passing.
It would be really cool to see, and make them feel more alive.

For example, maybe Vontell could make a short post in a writing prompt thread like this:

"Ah, this thread really gets my writing juices flowing!
I'm just passing through, but this prompt was just too inspiring to not post something.
[Insert a little short story, probably involving a romance since Von seems to like that sorta thing]
It's been a pleasure, Volties. I hope you enjoyed.
Come along, Leo! It's time for your bath. I even got you some new tub toys, aren't you excited? *Leo squeaks happily* "

And if people are talking about foods, or sharing pictures of foods, maybe Vreg could come out of the woodwork to stare longingly at it and say how good it looks.

Vivi could comment stuff in the hair/makeup hangout sometimes.
Velvet could give fashion tips.

Someone made a thread showing off a new tattoo or piercing? Vyc would love that.
Wardrobe/Art Collection

Art by kiwi

Npc — She/Her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/3 20:12:34 )
@Rallaa: Darling, you have a good head on your shoulders! I’ll be sure to share this with the gang. ;)

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