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Forums General Chit-Chat My coworker is unbearable

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/08/27 08:00:52 )
I'd be more understanding if he was a child, but he's an adult. At 22 I expect you not to be a total manchild and make life absolutely brutal for everyone else who works on your shift, the next shift, and the next morning.

With a modicum of effort he could not be a total cringeworthy mess. Kicker is, he acts completely different when the management is around like he's sooooo slick. He told me today he doesn't think he should have to adhere to the same expectations of everyone else and that it's totally fine his "best" isn't that great. He brags about half assing it all the time so it can't possibly be his best.

He broke a patio table cause he lacks common sense to a level unfathomable. He's constantly wasting product, breaking things, and just straight up doing things wrong. He trashes the place and I was stuck there an hour late because I had to clean up after him PLUS do all my shit PLUS take care of the brutal Sunday onslaught of customers.

I can't wait for him to get fired.

There's a 45 year old who's an even bigger manchild but he only gets one shift a week, if that.

Anyone else have an unbearable coworker.

Art by Robyn.
I'm @supereffective.fireblast on instagram

Donator — She/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/08/28 16:58:15 )

I really, really dislike manchildren. Where do they get off thinking that it's all about them and acting the way that they do? And they are always the first to complain about things and tell you how unfair live is for them. Some how they have jobs, and most of the time relationships and I don't know how they got to where they are today.
If you want to go there, women would never be able to act like that and have an S/O or a job. Society is hard on them, and I guess if it means that women don't act like that, well I guess it's one positive.
I also wanted to point out that this doesn't mean I think that all men are like this, because they aren't. And there are plenty of women who can't do things, or are self centered. I just mean like as society as a whole.

By Ghost
Discord: Totalanimefan
I'm friendly and will chat with anyone!

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/09/6 01:13:02 )
I could write a whole series of books about my coworkers...but I'll narrow the subject down to one guy.

The first thing he said to me when we met (because he was supposed to be training me), was, "Do you party?" I had a bad feeling about him from that moment but my relationship with him just stayed weird for years.

He was supposed to be teaching me how to do our job, but all he did was sit there and talk to me. It was annoying because A) I was there to work and B) I had literally nothing in common with this guy. Me, introvert. Him, couldn't stop talking. Me, an intellectual. Him...not. lol

Somehow we kept getting stuck in projects together. And he was so completely lazy, he'd cry to our boss that stuff was too hard so I should be the one to do it. I was never in on these discussions; he'd just come up to me in the morning as I was trying to get settled in at my desk to say, "Hey, I talked to the boss and told him this is too hard, so he said for you to do it."

It went on for years. Not just with me; he did that to everyone. He'd sit at his desk and call someone's name and make them go over to his cubicle, then he'd ask, "Hey, how do I do this?" For every basic, routine, newbie thing we do. I finally got fed up and refused to jump when he snapped his fingers, and just shouted to him, "You have the same manual guidance we all do, you're just too lazy to read it!" He laughed but didn't deny it.

One time this bigwig government official came to our office for a tour. He was supposed to give a demonstration of our computer systems and the very day of the demonstration, he chickened out and came up to me to say "I'm too nervous to speak in public so I told the boss you'd do it." This outgoing loudmouth who never shut up was telling the social anxiety-stricken introvert to meet with a four-star general and demonstrate some technology. I told my boss reluctantly that I would do it.

I don't work with him anymore, but...moral of the story is...people who are lazy slackers at their jobs don't always get fired. Sometimes they linger and fester. My advice is to switch shifts, train for a new position, or find another job. There's one no matter where you work, but if someone is 100% unbearable, you can't really just wait for them to get fired cause there's a good chance they won't be.

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