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Forums General Chit-Chat Good and bad movies.

Voltie — Alien Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/08/31 15:07:24 )
Just wondering, what movies has everyone seen lately? Would you recommend them?
I've recently seen good and bad movies. A good one was Spider-Man Homecoming. I may biased as a huge fan of anything Marvel, but it was my favorite Spider-Man movie thus far. An example of a bad movie would be Valerian. The plot was incoherent, the romance forced and the story dull. Not at all what I expected and after about 45 minutes I wanted to leave. Stuck it out til the end to see if it got better, spoiler alert, it just gets worse lol. I'd be happy to talk about it more, or just talk about movies in general, so let's go. :vanora_sun:

Voltie — Alien Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/08/31 17:31:02 )
@elithiya: it's the only movie I've seen in recent years that I considered asking for my money back. It was that bad. Like, might as well just take a shit in my eyes and ears bad. :vanora_xd: like so bad, we couldn't even make fun of it, it made fun of itself. Ok I'll stop lol
And yes, Guardians! Love it so much. Doctor Strange was also fantastic and of course Deadpool. :vanora_heart:
Ahhh I'm getting so excited for Infinity Wars!

Voltie — Alien Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/08/31 18:23:50 )
Omg I knowwww! :vanora_heart: :vanora_cry:
I want to watch it NOW. I'm excited for a lot of movies next year. Ready Player One, Slenderman, ah so many good movies come out next year!

Voltie — Alien Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/08/31 18:42:16 )
Omg yassss. I read the book and immediately fell in love with the story, so amazing. I heard it took so long because they had to get the copy rights to ALL those pop culture references throughout the book. So I'm glad to see they're doing it right. The trailer had the iron giant in it lol, so yeah I'm excited.
Also, I have been obsessed with slenderman for a while. I've basically lived on the internet since I was a preteen. The story, although fictitious, has always fascinated me. :vanora_heart:

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