@vengeance: I always forget what time is it for you.
Is anyone good at science? ;u;
Here is what I have written so far:
Hello, I’m Carbon, and I was discovered by Lavoisier in 3750 BC. Yes, I am super old on the outside, but still young on the inside. I am the most versatile element, and my name comes from the Latin word “carbo” meaning coal. I have 3 naturally occurring isotopes. I know you want to get to know me better, so let’s talk a little bit more about me. After all, I do admire myself.
I can be found just about anywhere in living cells. There are some rude people out there that think I am boring, but I can do so many things. I absolutely appreciate the people that do love me for what I can do though. My natural sources are decomposition as well as ocean release and respiration. This is not all there is to know about me, continue to read more about me!
My density is 2.2670.
What I need to include:
Provide the following physical properties:
1. atomic and ionic radii
2. electronegativity (You will find that there are several scales listed. Describe the system and list the values.)
3. first five ionization energies
What is the distribution of this element in the human body?
Is the element toxic? at what levels?
Does the element play an important role in biological systems? the petroleum or polymer industry? pharmaceuticals? the food and cosmetics industry? the pain-killer industry? the electronics industry? etc.?
Identify at least 3 compounds containing this element which are commercially available. Most chemical manufacturing companies have on-line catalogs these days.
Why did you choose this element?