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Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/02/2 03:41:26 )
Heavy talk here... -covers username up with arm-

I was walking home from Micky D's with my burger and got to thinking. Thinking about my drinking problem, and it got pretty deep. So deep I had an epiphany about why I drink and how to get my life back on track. The whole thing made me feel happy, up beat, and motivated!
Came home, had my food and started laundry. It's been 2 hours since that epiphany, and I can't tell you what it was about.
Guess it's back, back to drinking! (Joking, joking. I'm still a bit hungover and drinking wouldn't help me sleep for work.)

What kind of epiphanies have y'all had? Any that you've forgotten, only to remember it much later?

Donator — pancake Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/02/2 13:54:16 )
I have epiphanies all the time.
They're almost always about work.
I decide that I'm done talking to my coworkers about my problems because they never care and it just makes me feel worse about everything.
And I'm so enlightened and ready to just go work.
But my demeanor is always different and everyone asks me what's wrong and so I just unload everything without thinking and I'm back to where I started.

Voltie — she/her Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/02/2 13:54:57 )
Okay I'm writing my Theology reflection right now (it's a light reflection haha) so this is going to sound sappy.

Probably one epiphany that I keep with me and remember every now and then is how lucky I am with my family. I kid you not, I thought that everyone had a good family life and that the drama on TV shows was just that, drama. Well, it took me some growing up to find out that's not the case at all. For me that was a pretty big personal epiphany.

I'll probably come back to this thread when I think of another one xD

Donator Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/02/2 17:33:30 )
When I have an epiphany, it either sticks or wherever I felt about it just disappears and I disregard it. Can't exactly remember what my last one was about lmao
Hopefully it's easy for you to get your life back on track!
Call me ping me if you wanna reach me

Voltie Posted 6 years ago ( 2018/02/2 20:24:18 )
@blinkini: you're not the only one on that boat! I've got a couple coworkers who like to talk about their lives openly. There is one lady who told me, all seriously and making uncomfortable eye contact, that this is the year she stops complaining about work. She's tired of being negative about her life! I was stoked to hear because she's always stressed out. The very next day, she's vomiting complaints about her son and our boss. Haha.
The positive tho, is this lady IS working on bettering herself. It sometimes takes a few tries to get to a point your happy with. Just keep trying and breathing. You'll get there! Tho sometimes, a change in environment is what gives that boost.

@Peony: yee. Some family's down right blow. As a sister to a man who would gladly take a shit in our fathers ashes, it's also interesting to know not all family members feel the same way about each other. But I guess that's what happens when you get a group of people who might turn out to be wildly different from each other.

@Schye: thank you. I'm sure the epiphany was something a long the lines of: you don't need to drink to have fun. In fact, the alcohol isn't solely to blame for the shitty feelings following a night of binging. It's also a feeling of doing things that normally wouldn't be appealing.
Do you ever feel like writing down your epiphanies would help you remember them? Or work on them? Or are these ideas that if you forget, had fulfilled their use already?

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