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Forums Bug Reports Forum bugs!

Donator — ~love~ Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/08/22 23:38:41 )
Two in one thread this time!!

This one happened last night, siggy hopped into the main post! Refresh put it back out though~
Seems to happen with an emoji, blinkini's and my post did the same thing!

Also happened in this thread, way down there same bug!

Voltie — he/him Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/08/23 00:43:26 )
Yeah I'm seeing this issue a lot, posts are randomly being bolded and it's breaking emojis and its also breaking links? clicking it I saw there was a <b> tag inserted into the link itself but it wasn't anywhere in the text I had typed and I couldn't remove it...

Donator — ~love~ Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/08/24 00:18:23 )
They seem to be all cleared up, thank you so much! :vanora_heart:

awesome art by okios <33

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