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Forums Serious Talk Being Bi/gay

Voltie — alien Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 06:35:30 )

So in case you don't know, I'm bisexual. hence the "gay" in gayspacetrash.

I've always liked girls. I never really realized it until I was in middle school, though. As a child, I remember two of my first crushes being Sailor Jupiter and Thorn, the lead singer of the Hex Girls from Scooby Doo. But as a child, I didn't really realize that I had crushes on them. I was always brought up where it was okay to be gay but not normal, you know? Like most of the world, my family just assumed that I was going to be straight, and so I felt like I had to fit into that mold they had made for me before I was even old enough to have a say.

It was normal to like boys and to have crushes on them. I had crushes on girls too but I didn't know that's what it was. Being brought up where it was just expected of me to be straight made me push my feelings down and pretend they never existed. I convinced myself I was straight, until middle school, when I had the hugest crush on one of my friends. I kissed her on the ferris wheel during the fair one year, and that was my first real kiss I'd shared with a girl. I was giddy and happy, and when I went home and told my mom I was bi, she shut me down quickly. "No you're not. It's a phase."

And I believed it. I believed I was just going through a phase. When I was in high school, I began to have feelings for girls again, and I even had a girlfriend for a short amount of time. We held hands and kissed once- it was entirely innocent. I continued to want to date girls, but there was always that lingering doubt that I wasn't really into them. Somehow, I was just trying to rebel and be ~quirky~. I've "come out" to my family, but I don't feel like they actually believe me. They don't seem to understand how big of a deal it is for me to have come out to them, and they sometimes seem very uncomfortable when I mention thinking a female is attractive.

Even now, at 23, I'm still not 100% sure I'm actually bi. I know that I find females attractive, but I always have that doubt in the back of my mind, asking but are you really bi? Or are you just trying to be cool? I find more females attractive than males, but have never dated one seriously. It's difficult to tell when a girl is being flirty or just being friendly, because my female friends and I are very affectionate and lovey. I also feel like if I dated a girl, it wouldn't be a "real" relationship, because it's not what society deems as "normal". It's something that's been bothering me a lot lately.

I don't know. I've been doing a lot of thinking lately, and I guess it just helps me to get my thoughts down. I also appreciate feedback. I'm sorry if I've insulted anyone here- that is not my intention. Please correct me so I can correct myself. Thanks for reading.

Donator — Lewd <3 Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 06:37:36 )
@GaySpaceTrash: I've always found fretting about labels to be counterproductive. Who cares if you're straight or bi or whatever. You like who you like. Society be damned, grammar be damned. You don't owe the world an explanation.

Voltie — alien Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 06:39:43 )
@Alia Starchild: That's very true. ;0; Thank you!

Donator — Lewd <3 Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 06:41:10 )
@GaySpaceTrash: Of course, sweetie. :D

*Is aggressively queer at times xD*

And of course, if you'd like definitive proof if you like girls, *Eyebrow waggle* ;3

Voltie — alien Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 06:43:35 )
@Alia Starchild: OHOHO~ :3c I'm up for that~ -wiggles brows back at ya-

Voltie — I'm A Boy Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 06:53:50 )
Aye being gay is awesome!

Donator — bun Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 06:54:22 )
@GaySpaceTrash: I think I know who that ferris wheel girl was. :vanora_smirk: And if it is, I'm hella jealous.

Anyway, like Alia said, you don't have to give anyone an explanation of who you are. It's definitely okay to still be confused about things, too. Sexuality is a spectrum, so you'll sway on it a bit from time to time. My cousin had identified as a lesbian for the entirety of their life, basically, then one day had a crush on a guy and dated him for a while. Then pretty recently he actually realized he identified as a trans male. Not sure how he identifies via sexuality now, but...things change, especially as you learn more about yourself. So don't feel like there's ever anything wrong with being confused or wondering when it comes to this stuff.
Also, tell society to fuck off. if you have a girlfriend, she's just as much a real relationship as anyone else you'd date.
and AMEN to the flirting thing, GIRL I HEAR YOU.
If you need to talk about any of this ever, you know you always can. :vanora_smile:

@alia starchild:
Alia Starchild:

And of course, if you'd like definitive proof if you like girls, *Eyebrow waggle* ;3


Donator — Lewd <3 Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 06:56:13 )
@chai: I'm happy that entertained people. xD

23 ♥ Female ♥ Pansexual ♥ Single
I am, to put it mildly, an incorrigible pervert. If I make you uncomfortable, please let me know.

Voltie — alien Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 06:58:08 )
@Blue Jay: This is 100% true.

@chai: Yeah, I'm pretty sure you do. The girl we were talking about during pizza eating the other day. <3 Honestly I was so happy, lol.
I feel like at my age I should be sure of what I'm into and stuff, but I don't even really know my gender so I guess it's definitely okay to not know anything even at 23. But your support means a lot, so thank you! ;0;
Thank you <3 I just don't wanna bother you lmao. I feel like I text too much ;0;


Please @ me to get my attention. C:

Donator — she, her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 07:03:59 )
@gayspacetrash: I can relate to you on the realm of the society and family expecting you to be a certain way.
It has been a year since I have been dating my girlfriend, I came out to my mom about it in March, she had her suspicions and was very blunt and accusatory in February, when I was not ready to tell her, which made me hold off more. I do not identify as gay, or bi. I fell in love with my girlfriend and at the time, I have never looked at another girl, I haven't and don't think I ever will. When it comes to love, it's love. Labels are not necessary and with the society we live in, I can understand how it's hard to explore your sexuality and be able to find out what you are or aren't into.

My mom isn't necessarily okay with my choices, and I can't lie, it hurts me. I keep things low profile, and don't go to many family things. When my mother asked why, I point blank told her a family member is going to ask me how I am, and I'm not going to lie. I'm going to say I'm happy, in a relationship and probably talk about my girlfriend, and I'm not going to put my mother in a spot where society will look down on her. Since then she's left it alone.

You are you, regardless. At the end of the day YOUR happiness in life matters, what society thinks is what they'll think. It won't define you.
When it comes to family? Take it a step at a time. I know I have to.
Foever in my heart
Spookums 11/25/18
Angus 6/23/19
Mom 6/29/19
Dad 11/29/2021

Donator — bun Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 08:01:47 )
@GaySpaceTrash: Ahaha, I figured that was who it was!
Oof man, don't even get started on the gender part. I'm in that boat with you there! Sooo confusing.
But I actually didn't know gender was something you struggled with! Like I mentioned before, always willing to chat if you need to!
And nah, you don't text me too much, haha. Though if you've tried to reach me today I haven't had my phone near me so hopefully you didn't think I was ignoring you.

avi site survey

Voltie — She/They Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 09:37:30 )
@GaySpaceTrash: I understand what you are feeling. for the longest time i have though both boys and girls as attractive but i've never had the courage to ask guys out because of the fact that i look like a guy(im genderfluid) but to be honest i dont even know if i actual can have a romantic relationship with anyone because of other stuff but the important thing is be what makes YOU happy. Be with whomever makes YOU happy, safe,warm,and loved. As a Pansexual myself, im more about Hearts than the Parts. i hope this helped somewhat ^_^

Voltie — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 09:40:44 )
@gayspacetrash: Hey, you're definitely not alone here. I only recently came to terms with being a lesbian, and I still have doubts because I had to come out like, 5 times.
Just like you, people expected me to be straight. This has caused me a lot of stress and struggles.
I can tell you this: You WILL figure it out. Labels or no labels, you WILL get it. There is NO rush to completely figuring things out. Experiment a little! Go out with guys, go out with girls, have fun. That's what matters right now, because that's what will help you the most.
I think, after all you have been through, it's good to start thinking "It's just as real dating a woman as it is a man" because then, it'll change your perspectives a bit. Maybe repeat it in your head? But only as long as it doesn't give you panic attacks or anything! ;u;
I just want you to know, everything is okay. There are people who still don't know their sexuality at 50, but they have great relationships, and a lot are married and have kids (if they want them)!
If you ever need anyone to talk to, you can dm me. ;u;

I'm randomly active bc of anxiety!

Donator Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/22 20:18:48 )


pls don't

Donator — Easterbun Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/23 15:05:43 )
There was a me once upon a time that thought was gay. She believed it and feared it so much because of her moral code and was disgusted with herself. Everyday, she would look at herself then look to other girls, even her best friends, and would ask herself “am I gay?”. Eventually this young me would go outside her Christian judgemental bubble and step into the real world only to find she really wasn’t gay after all. That me grew up to be the woman I am today and tbh I realized that it was wrong of me to treat being gay as if it was some sort of awful disease. So this is my apology to all those I criticized harshly and quietly as I did myself.

Voltie — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/23 23:44:55 )
I think it's totally okay to never be 100% sure in your sexuality. <3

Society absolutely raises us to think of being straight as the norm, and it's always like - how can I know that what I'm feeling for a girl is real?

I've liked girls forever, but it wasn't until I was 15/16 when I realised it was maybe in a gay way. :')
I kind of tried to ignore it for a while, because I didn't like my female friends that way and didn't want them to be weirded out and think I did, and I'd only dated guys that I didn't really like before, so I'd gotten it into my head that that was what all relationships were like, and I didn't want that. (spoiler: it's totally not)

I've accepted it so much more over the last few years, and started to tell people, but it wasn't until I started dating my current girlfriend that I was certain it was real. Like, wow. This is what dating someone you really like feels like.

I still have moments where I'm like... okay but am I sure I'm not pretending to like girls? And I think that's okay, I think that's something a lot of people go through. Having doubts in yourself doesn't make your identity any less valid.

Just be assured that it's normal, and the way you're feeling is totally okay. <3

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/24 10:09:08 )
It was always hard for me to identify myself sexuality wise. I know that both men and women are attractive to me, and it's taken many years to come to terms and be ok with it.
But it's very frustrating when others claim they know better. I've tried dating women before. The problem is everyone I've ever spoken to tell me, "oh no. You're straight!" Yes, you are so very much correct. I am trying to hit on this gorgeous woman because I totally thought she was a man. Or you know, this is how I speak to everyone. -rolls eyes-
At least it's easy to tell who's not worth the pursuit. Still demoralizing.

As for you finding it hard to know if someone is flirting with you: If you are interested in the person, feel free to be forward with them. I've found beating around the bush to be too much. Either you hit something off, carry on without that weird tension, or the conversation ends. Either ways, you no longer have that stress of trying to gauge the other person.

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/24 13:12:48 )
@GaySpaceTrash: don't feel bad I tried coming out to my family, when I was in my teens
my mum didn't like it and one of my uncles told me that he would disown me, no one in my family
like the fact that I said that I think I am BI, they didn't like me telling my friends or others, I have kissed
some of my girlfriends and thought some women being cute, my guy friends know this well some do.

I said to my mum when I tried to come out to all in my family and my friends, that just because I might be doesn't
mean I am going to change or anything like that. but I am really sorry you went through that. but my other half is a
guy and I love him, I've been with him for several years. no one can change who they like.

women are cute but so are guys
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

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