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Forums Serious Talk Whats the point of friends? or...

Voltie — She/They Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/16 07:25:10 ) existential meltdown as to why i wish no one i cared for left my life!

I hate growing up. moving on. changing schools. changing jobs. because at the heart of it all all i ever feel is emptiness.... because i lose more friends than i seem to gain....and it makes me want to stop having in person connections because they always will leave or change and i dont want it to happen...not anymore.... im 25 almost 26 years old....and because i've had so seldom an actual inperson friendship...certain practices are foreign to not used to having people at my not used to hanging out with people...just walking around...chatting....

why do things have to change?....why do people have to leave?....why is it so hard for me to make and keep in person friends?

... is it my appearance?My personality?My disability?

Voltie — she/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/16 07:29:35 )
@deimospoe24: I understand. I don't have any IRL friends either, and sometimes it's painful.

I'm sorry you're hurting right now, and I hope your pain eases soon.
dear Lord I need a new signature someone help me

Voltie — Burnt Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/16 08:02:02 )
It has nothing to do with you. As you get older, friends will come and go more often. Because we're all at that stage in life around the 20s where we go off to different colleges, or move to different states for better opportunities. Myself for example left all my friends and family to better my life. I made new friends, but they will leave me and/or I will leave them. But I still keep in contact with my friends back at home thanks to technology playing a huge role in that.
You just have to cherish the moments you have with them while it lasts. But I'm sorry you are hurting at the moment. It is tough to keep having to start over. But know it isn't your fault in any way

Voltie — She/They Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/16 09:02:31 )
@superbearwars: unfortunately....the pain doesnt really let up to be just wanes in its intensity
@Burntcicle: And i know that it sometimes just happens....still doesnt make it fair and that i like experiencing the pain and heartache associated with it

Donator — MOOCOW Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/16 21:04:43 )
@DeimosPoe24: Honestly, I think most people go through this in their 20s.

Personally, I dont speak to anybody who I was friends with in High School. The only one friend I was still in contact with after leaving has since passed away.

The other friends I have made since high school, one moved away (16hr drive) but we visit one another yearly. I still have 2 friends who live in the same town as me but I can even go weeks without seeing them.

Sometimes it does get you down but life can be very busy and you find it difficult to maintain friendships. Then add the issue that it is harder to make friends as an adult and it becomes impossible.
Please @ me when you talk to me.
I'm a terrible person with memory like a sieve.

Voltie — Burnt Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/17 06:34:57 )
You never know, you may meet up with them again one day. :) Just have to look at it in a positive light and cheer for them as they go on to find opportunities

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