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Forums General Chit-Chat I just realised that...

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/15 17:12:59 )
the ex-in laws of my uncle (the brother of my mother, who was married for 38 years when they split up) knows more about me and my life then my own family. o.o
I haven't seen most of my family since my grandmother passed away in 2001. Only exemption on a few cousins and an uncle and his wife who live 2 streets away, only I haven't talked to them since 2001. Even my cousins that I've seen after that, don't know too much about me, since I didn't share much with them when I saw them and it has been a few years since I talked to the last one.
The ex-in laws of my uncle, on the other hand, I do talk to them. His ex-sister in law works at the doctor in my town and I grew up with one of the nephews and we still see each other every now and then. We live in the same town and we have some common friends and interests. Most of their family lives in my town and I see and talk to them every now and then.
And yeah I like them more than my own uncles, aunts and cousins.

Voltie — Moody Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/15 17:43:54 )
At least someone knows something about your right?
Even if they aren't a part of the family anymore.
To me blood really means pretty little when it comes to family.

Most of my relatives, don't know about me and I see them often.
But they never really ask me or have asked me what I want, what I like etc.
All they know is I like cats and going through GED classes.
But in my family, they tend to basically think the worst thing that happened to me defines me but i'm more than
what the worst thing happened to me 8 years ago.
Only people who seem interested is my cousin's fiance.

But I mean it's still good to have someone know a little bit about them even if they aren't really your family or related to them.

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/15 18:08:17 )
@FuuChan: your family sounds exactly like mine. Next to that, one of the aunts when she had a drink, she likes to talk shit. She doesn't know a thing, but lies and makes up things. Last I heard of a cousin, she told everyone in my family that my mother is a lesbian and I worship satan (she's a strict roman-catholic).
I don't consider the ex-in laws of my uncle family, but they're a better family than my own.

Voltie — Moody Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/15 18:20:55 )
@Tuijp: yeah they aren't great.
and my family gossips about other family members and i am over here like "really, this is none of your business. it's their life."
my dad and grandmother are Jehovah witnesses. My grandma is less strict than my dad.
if i told him I was an atheist he'd think i'd worship satan when that's an entirely different thing....

But yeah they aren't really great.
get togethers I hate because everyone gets drunk talks about racist, sexist BS.
and I just sit in the corner pretending i am not related to them XDD

still, it's good to have people in your life who actually want and do know you or even small things about you.

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/15 18:35:37 )
@FuuChan: yeah your family is exactly like mine. Even if 2 adopted cousin were there, they'd talk their racist talk.
One of my uncles was like me and we would sit somewhere, pretending to not know them at all.

Voltie — Moody Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/15 18:44:42 )
@Tuijp: Yeah, most of them are a nightmare.
my sister, my cousin and his fiance are really the only ones I feel I connect with
and they actually care.

Plus most just see me as either a charity case, or a bum who is living off her dad.
and it's not really like i have a choice.
I am trying to get a resume started to apply for a job
but all they see me as some sort of lazy girl who doesn't want to work when actually, it's the complete opposite.
I want to work and move out SO bad.

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/15 18:54:53 )
@FuuChan: tell the other, who see you like that, to go f themselves and just live your life the way you want to.

Voltie — Moody Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/15 19:05:57 )
@Tuijp: I plan to do that. Not by words, but more like actions like getting my GED, license,
and moving into an apartment with my sister.
It's kinda like telling them I can do anything through actions.
Because I know they think low of me and think I can do no better than my dad which is dumb.

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/15 19:09:36 )
@FuuChan: I actually said it to one uncle. He was talking to my mother over the phone and they had a fight. So I took the phone and showed him I can argue a lot better than he ever thought I could.

Voltie — Moody Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/15 19:17:38 )
@Tuijp: Oh wow.
though I'd have no problem saying it to a cousin of mine.
We use to be bff's. but i guess she didn't think me nor my sis were 'good' enough
and she kinda broke my sister's heart so if I get a phone and she wants to add me, i'll block her number.
I refuse to associate with her. I don't like her rotten to the core personality.

She's just not someone who i'd want to be friends with.
As kids, she was so great. then something changed and she just turned into this spoiled brat.
so i'd have no problem telling her off. I'd probably very much enjoy it. XDD

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/15 19:23:39 )
@FuuChan: I felt the same when I told my uncle to fuck off. He was the oldest of the family and acted like a father to my mother, but not a good father. He always told what to do and not to do. He knew, because he was the oldest. For example, he almost forbid my mother to marry my father because 'he was too old'.
When my father died, he wasn't there for any of us. A year later, my mother almost died and he got to my grandmother's house to show how sad he was because he almost lost his youngest sister. That I was 9 and my brother was almost 11 (he would turn 11 2 days later) almost lost our mother, didn't matter to him.

Voltie — Moody Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/15 19:26:22 )
@Tuijp: that's awful, i'm sorry to hear that.
families sometimes really suck.

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/15 19:27:53 )
@FuuChan: yes they do. I'm glad those toxic people are out of my life tbh.

Voltie — Moody Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/15 19:38:42 )
@Tuijp: yes, taking toxic people out of your life
I am sure gives such relief.
I still have a few toxic people in my life, but i won't really cut them out of my life till I either move out
or move to CA. as a big toxic person in my family is my dad.

I love him but sometimes...he is way too toxic to me.
Especially because he is very negative and when you talk negatively to a very depressed's just not good.

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/15 19:42:22 )
@FuuChan: yeah that is never good
Kicking toxic people out is hard, but worth it. Gives a lot of relieve, but they usually also mean something to you.

Voltie — Moody Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/15 19:46:32 )
@Tuijp: Yeah.
Plus I do not like how overprotective and pushy with religion stuff he does.
I mean. it's my life and I am going to be 23 in like two months.
I can take care of myself and make my own choices.

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/15 19:52:23 )
@FuuChan: my oldest uncle was also like that. The fact that my father was an atheist shocked him more than anything. When one of my youngest cousins got baptised and he heard I wasn't going to be in church, he was very angry with me and told me I would never go to Heaven that way.
I told him I was glad, because I rather go to Hell than spend an eternity with people like him.

Voltie — Moody Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/15 19:54:28 )
@Tuijp: Yeah, my dad is quite pushy with me going to meetings
and he signs me and my sis up for things and i am like "plz stop"
plus tells me what i should and shouldn't wear and that's getting a bit annoying.

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
[My Website]

Donator — Winchester Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/15 19:56:50 )
@FuuChan: he didn't see me enough to tell me what to wear. I think he would get a heart attack if he would see my clothes right now.

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