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Forums General Chit-Chat How do I even dress like a human

Donator — He/They Posted 8 months ago ( 2023/09/11 22:51:06 )

Me: Sure would be nice to have a comfy sweater for winter. I should look around online!
All the models in the online stores:

How do you predict what something will look like on you when you basically resemble a toad?? asking for a friend :U

(And yeah, I've tried looking up stuff like "how to dress for your body type", but they all seem to assume I'm Frasier and just walk around wearing suits and blazers everywhere. Do people do that? Because I'd rather not.)


Donator — She/her Posted 8 months ago ( 2023/09/11 22:57:27 )

I say wear whatever makes you comfortable. :)


Donator — He/They Posted 8 months ago ( 2023/09/11 23:09:00 )

@Totalanimefan: That's just it, though, I have no idea! Physical stores rarely have anything I like on the shelf (especially with my non-existent budget), so I look online, but I can't really visualize how something will suit me that way.


Donator — She/her Posted 8 months ago ( 2023/09/11 23:53:36 )

@Count Trashula: I don’t like to shop online for clothes either. What about a consignment or thrift store?

By Ghost
Discord: Totalanimefan
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Donator — he/him/theirs Posted 8 months ago ( 2023/09/12 15:28:08 )

Thrift/consignment store is the direction my mind went too for sure! I'm a small and quirky fella so in that sense definitely understand struggling to find clothes that Work in all the ways. Thrifting stuff tends to yield more fun/unpredictable stuff, plus the lower budget also inspires/enables me to experiment with modifying clothes to my liking. For example I could never find jean shorts the fit and length I liked, so I recently thrifted some regular jeans and cropped 'em. Whablam!

I wish there were more online clothing sites that offered free and easy returns so folks could try things on. Maybe they do exist and I just don't shop online enough!!? I do know of Depop for the thrift store type deal without having to go in person, might be a good start?

Also I daresay? toads > humans anyway

Donator — He/They Posted 7 months ago ( 2023/09/24 03:51:45 )

I forgot I posted this, sorry everyone lol but I appreciate all the replies!
Will definitely look into thrift stores whenever I have the money and time, though I haven't had a lot of luck with them in the past since there aren't many stores around here in the first place. But you never know.

For the most part, I'm just mad bc online stores, men's clothes especially, never show much variety in models' body types. Like yeah, it looks great on that guy, but he's shaped like ▽ and i'm shaped like △ and about half his height. I don't wanna have to buy the fancy sweater just to find out it looks ridiculous on me. But they don't carry the fancy sweater in-store, oh no. Only online. >:(

Looser fitting stuff is definitely more for me. I hate the feeling of shirts clinging to my body; it makes me really self-conscious. But being short and on the chunky side, too baggy can also be a bad thing. And "style guides" always seem to cater to people who dress like they're at the office 24/7, so they have been largely unhelpful.

I have an idea of the 'looks' I like for the clothing itself, but no idea if those would suit me. I just think major retailers should hire more toads to model their clothes, and not just to clean their bathrooms. -_-


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