First I have to slap a BIG content warning before I let you guys watch this.
There are many butts, constantly, and sexual content.
I wont link it bc its really not something I would normally show someone, so search at your own risk.

But ok so I've gotten my husband addicted to kpop/korean artists. One of our common ways of spending time together when he gets home from work, is after dinner we'll watch MVs together. Sometimes they're really cool and inspire us, but sometimes they're very silly and we have a laugh (but ironically like it in a way).

He has been conditioned to how classy kpop artists are they kind of have to be and this was where his mind was at in the moment.

So then he was like "wait I think there's a cool dance in this new Troye video"

so he pulls it up and like, sure, there's a silly looking dance that takes up 3 seconds of the video.
The rest of it, our faces were like:

and now my husband can't stop thinking about it. It left a scar in his memory HAHAHA
we just aren't adapted to so many asses all at once!
to be fair, the MV does warn you in the very first second. But we had to commit to watching

Have any of you seen it?
You like it, hate it, or do you find that kind of content funny like I do?
Its fine if you have no reaction to this, I know some people dont care. Consider it a cultural difference that we're just not used to this.