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Voltie — he/it. ask. Posted 1 year ago ( 2022/11/16 15:30:58 )
yeah. oh i messed up on the forum signature, you need to take out the www part. sorry.

Voltie — he/it. ask. Posted 1 year ago ( 2022/11/16 15:47:41 )
cool, i'll go first. ok, so. the scp foundation. great, right? wrong!! screw them!! a good portion of the beings they 'contain' are completely harmless, or even hurt by their imprisonment in Foundation sites. they are more jailors than scientists. they hurt us.

Voltie — They/He Posted 1 year ago ( 2022/11/16 17:30:50 )

dreamcore system:
cool, i'll go first. ok, so. the scp foundation. great, right? wrong!! screw them!! a good portion of the beings they 'contain' are completely harmless, or even hurt by their imprisonment in Foundation sites. they are more jailors than scientists. they hurt us.

That's a take I've never heard before.
Though I suppose you aren't 100% wrong...
idk a great deal about the SCP Foundation, but it is true that not all of them are harmful. I didn't know that any of the harmless ones were hurt in their containment, though.

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Voltie — he/it. ask. Posted 1 year ago ( 2022/12/7 19:02:44 )
@Stinky: Yeah, that's another major issue. There are a few well-written SCPs speculating on that, but my favorite by far is SCP-5255.
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