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Forums Serious Talk Dad updates!

Voltie — she/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/12 15:44:13 )

I haven't made any updates after my dad was able to go home! After his big motorbike accident where we almost lost him, the doctors kept expecting a much longer recovery time. They kept saying things like we'll see if he can walk again, give it 6 months. We'll have to see if his eyes will work again, expecting 7 months or so. Will this or that recover? It might it might not.

Well he's been home since August 22 (same date as my marriage lmao yay). He is walking with a cane. He is approved to use the stairs in the home with mom with him, but he will stubbornly go on ahead and it doesn't hurt.
His eyes were seeing double all this time so he had to put tape over his glasses lens on one side (cause if he covers one eye he can see, but this also lets sunlight in). But now, in one month being home, he was able to take the tape off! His vision is 90% back to normal. He can see in most angles, there is just one angle that still pulls double. But he can see forward now!

It has been only 3 months and when I look at my father, he has the most gentle scar on his shin (tibia bone was replaced with a rod). He says he feels no pain. He looks like almost nothing happened!! He lost 20-30lbs in the hospital but that wont last, that guy lives off pizza (and he is actually very healthy despite his gut, so there you go pizza lovers <3 ).

In 3 months from the crash, when his doctors expected it to take double or triple the amount of time, they are expecting he may be ready to return to work by October 24. That means they're expecting his eyes 100% so he can drive again! Wont be anymore motorcycle rides for quite some time.

And finally, belated, I'm able to get time off to go see him next week. FMLA isn't really a thing here and I dont get paid for family emergencies.. but the hospital also wouldnt have let me in since I'd be a "traveler" cause covid and that. So I haven't been able to see him any sooner. I'm excited. Plus it will be my first week off WITH my husband in like a year or so! My parents haven't seen him since we married and they're all giddy excited over having another son inlaw now.

I hope my dad continues to improve and grow stronger! He has really blown the minds of his doctors and therapists so much


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/12 16:13:57 )
    Wow! That’s great news, it sounds like he’s doing awesome. That must be a huge relief!!! I hope he goes from strength to strength :)


currently: new novel who dis?

q u e s t i n g :
beanie doll! thank u cookie

Donator — whatever Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/12 16:14:10 )

That's wonderful! Glad you'll be able to see him, too; that must have been so scary for the whole family.

Please ping me!

Voltie — she/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/12 16:32:10 )

It was terrifying ;;
really changes your perspective a bit when you're across the country and something like this happens!
Its all because of the crazy gas inflation, he was only riding his motorcycle to work to save on money. The accident wasn't his fault by any measure, he was driving straight, in his own lane, and this dumbass girl with an expired license blew a stop sign and pulled right into him... On the wrong side of the road even. Which is so common when people turn, they turn so wide they swipe into the opposite lane ALL THE TIME and I often slam my breaks cause of it. People are just so careless on the road!
BUT SAME WITH MOTORCYCLE DRIVERS who do not wear GEAR! My dad was minutes away from dying on the asphalt and he was fully geared up. Those dumb butts I see darting between cars on the interstate here with no helm, no driving boots, no jacket.... *sigh*

I want to live in a world where driving isn't a necessity

Anyway, he has 2/3 motorcycles left and I swear to god if he tried relying on them again, I'ma drive back up there just to kick him
His jeep is safer against accidents like these.

I am leaving Voltra
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08 22 22

Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/10/12 17:37:38 )

Wow those are all amazing updates! I'm so happy for your family.

By Ghost
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