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Donator — She Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/02/28 16:04:47 )
Can't remember if I showed you jelly-bean when I got him .. I probably did because he's just too cute not to share with you guys xD I just love him .. my animals help me with my anxiety and such.. jelly-bean is just such an affectionate little Chap .. I just let him out on the bed and let him run about the room.. I call him and he comes back to me .. he loves rolling about my hair and the hood of my hoodies and likes to sit in my pockets ... He just has to hear my voice in the morning and he runs straight out wanting me to hold him and let him out💙


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/02/28 16:06:08 )
hella nice.
we have about two cats, used to have three but smokey went missing.'s been about two years.

Donator — She Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/02/28 16:14:50 )
@pelontrix: hey there .. very sorry to hear about your cat.. unfortunately they will go to who ever feeds them the most and sometimes dogs/cats will run away to die if they're sick .. hopefully ur cat is being fed and treated like a king/queen.. I have 2 hamsters 2 budgies a dog and 21 giant African land snails .. I did have 2 corn snakes but I gave one to my best friend and one to my dad.. they weren't really mine I was the middle man of a deal that didn't work out to I kept them until I found them new homes .. I'd of kept them on if I didn't have hamsters but hamsters were here first lol

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/02/28 16:19:01 )
the pictures finally got around to loading. damn, do rodents look absolutely fuckin adorable.

tabby died about... six years ago, i want to say, but my perception of time tends to be very finicky. we found her in the garden. still no idea what could have caused her to just. suddenly die, maybe she got clipped by a car or something. i didn't get to see the body.

whiskey and semi seem to be doing okay healthwise, haha.

someone i knew kept snails. i don't really associate with him anymore, but i do miss seeing how the snails he had were doing.

Donator — She Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/02/28 16:30:01 )
@pelontrix: yes I love all rodents they're all so adorable :D so sorry to hear that .. where I used to live some people hated that everyone's cats would be in their gardens or bins and they would poison meat with de icer for cars .. disgusting .. hopefully it was just a natural cause so she didn't suffer .. I love cats but my dog is a big brute and he tries to dominate them by humping them or id probably have cats as well xD
I love snails so many different species .. I will gather some pics up of mine and do another forum post so you can get your snail fix haha

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/02/28 16:32:53 )
antifreeze, i think you mean.

the major issue with outdoor cats is that they don't help for conservation. they frequently decimate local wildlife populations and are arguably an invasive species. if you ever do get a cat, i'd suggest keeping it indoors. strongly suggest.

we also had a dog once, and he got along relatively well with both whiskey and tabby. tabby was whiskey's littermate. of course, it helps that bobby was about six when we got the cats, i think.

Donator — She Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/02/28 16:47:13 )
@pelontrix: yes your right I did mean that I thought it was the same thing xD

Where I live it wouldn't be fair for me to have a cat because I couldn't let it out.. my sisters cat got ran over on the busy road at the side of my house .. maybe some day in the future when I move.

My first dog was a Pitbull and it hated cats and we owned cats .. but my dad's friend died and he didn't want his dog going to someone that would fight him so he told my dad to bring it round to me .. so I owned my first Pitbull at 13 and he would chase all the cats out.. and every day for a week my mum would tap her finger on his head when he eyeballed her cats and she would say "don't you touch my cats" after about a week she came in from shopping and there was my big pit lying curled up with my 2 cats and 3 of the neighbours cats on the other sofa sleeping xD my mum was like "I said not to touch my cats.. I didn't say let the whole bloody streets cats in you big shite hawk" 🤣🤣 my dog this time round isn't used to having cats around .. he would nev r hurt them he just grabs them from the back and tries to hump them then they want to claw his eyeballs out XD

Here's the cat humper

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/02/28 16:52:14 )
@LilMissKushy: i think the worst thing that happened was that whiskey ended up scratching bobby's nose after hissing and trying to protect his sister. this was like. back when we first got both whiskey and tabby. tabby was more or less mute, and whiskey ended up being really fuckin chatty.

whiskey has this sort of. long meow sometimes. sometimes he'll even squeak while yawning. it's very funny.

semi will sometimes have her tongue poking out of her mouth, which is bc she doesn't have a lot of teeth left.

ah, dogs. one time we were taking care of a dog at one point while some lady went to go and get some wine and shit and it started trying to hump my leg.

keeping your cat indoors is ultimately safer than letting them outside. though, if you really wanted, you could theoretically put them on a leash, but you'd have to train them first. or you could build a catio of some sort. letting them go out, free-range, is one of the worst ideas, since they can pick up all sorts of diseases.

Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/02/28 17:04:54 )

Aww how cute!

By Ghost
Discord: Totalanimefan
I'm friendly and will chat with anyone!

Donator — She Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/03/3 13:50:11 )
@pelontrix: my mum had 2 ginger cats years ago called Bobby and Thomas and the dogs used to chase them and one day they just had enough and caught back and the dogs never bothered again after that XD cats are such characters .. they can be savages sometimes lol your cats sound so adorable .. I bet there's never a dull moment with them xD

Yes male dogs will try hump you as a dominant thing ... My dog tries to hump me if Ive been near other male dogs .. he also will try hump any man with shorts on because he can smell the sweat behind the knees XD he's an asshole sometimes XD

Yeah if I can't give an animal 100% of what it needs I won't have one .. it wouldnt feel right restricting a cat .. my best friends mum's cat hates it's lead and harness and goes daft and he's had it since he was a baby .. he just knows there's a big world out there to be explored but he's not allowed lol

@totalanimefan: aww thank you so much he's a clever little thing

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/03/3 16:54:32 )
@LilMissKushy: i'd rather the cats be safe, lmao. environment shit is something that people need to take into account when having an 'outdoor' cat.

provided you give them enough enrichment, cats can survive pretty well while being indoors.
please ping me for the love of god.

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