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Forums Serious Talk Telling about your younger years

Voltie — Burnt Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/1 23:57:10 )
I'm like not knowing what to do because my boyfriend wants to know things about me, like my past and stuff.
But I seriously don't know what to tell him because literally my life was boring until I hit college basically and even then it was just typical hang out with friends, nothing exciting.
Like he's like tell me a secret
my life was literally wake up, go to school, go home, get on computer, do homework and eat dinner somewhere in-between
and get back on the computer until bed and just talk on forums and stuff
And I've told him this
I was going through depression from like 7th grade until about 12th grade when things were starting to look up. i had like 2 friends one of which was always with other people and the other like me had trouble finding ways to hang out as we had to rely on our parents. so i don't have anything secret worthy to tell him, like all he will get is a sad sappy life story.
but then he gets frustrated if i don't tell him anything. DX

Voltie — He/Him Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/3 07:04:46 )
Then just tell him like that
"My life was crazy boring and there's honestly not much to tell"

My typos have tyoos at this point.

I am a MAN
∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

Donator — She/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/10/11 03:21:31 )
He just wants to know more about you because he cares about you. Maybe just tell him a story about Ernya, or your least favorite class in high school. Did you have a pet that you no longer have? That's the kinda stuff I think that he wants to learn about you. The boring stuff that only someone who loves you would want to know.
By Ghost
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