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Forums Serious Talk Mother's health took a turn for the worst|Update: 9/14/21

Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/9 01:23:44 )
Moody Says. . .


So we had the bomb dropped on us this afternoon that my mother's health has declined since we last got to see her via zoom call 2-3 weeks ago. we hadnt been able to zoom with her as they somehow forgot the password to their own device.

She's been with hospice since October of 2019. But she had a stroke when i was 14. and since then had been in a nursing home.

some of our family members will be going to visit her tomorrow and say our goodbyes pretty much.

just really hurts. i was expecting it but once it happens it just...really sucks.

Update 9/14/21: this really pains me to say this even online.
Last Thursday we went to see her, and it was devastating. She has lost so much weight over the past 2 years that she looked so small and it was so hard seeing her that way.

Yesterday[9/13/21], my dad got a phone call at 4:30am. She only had a few hours left.
So he went to see her and by roughly 2pm...she had passed.
My aunt and my grandma came over and comforted us as well as handled bringing over all of her things.
It's still very much a hard thing to acknowledge that she is gone.

If I become less active on here, that is why.

Voltie Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/9 13:18:00 )
@MoodyB: Oh, I'm sorry to hear this, and wish you only the best as you deal with this difficult change in circumstances with your mom.

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

Donator — She/her Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/9 15:11:42 )

Wow I’m so sorry that is really awful. Take time for yourself and it’s ok to feel however you feel. All feelings are valid.

By Ghost
Discord: Totalanimefan
I'm friendly and will chat with anyone!

Voltie — Moody Posted 3 years ago ( 2021/09/9 19:58:37 )
Moody Says. . .


@Kory: its definitely not an easy thing to hear. all day yesterday after the news dropped i just had anxiety all day long.
and still kind of do.

this is probably the second time grieving due to when she first had her stroke it was so hard.
and my relatives thought telling me how long to grieve they got a say in, and criticizing how we lived when we were just surviving was just cruel.

so im hoping none of my other relatives will bother us this time so we have time to actually...heal from this.
as they did a lot of emotional damage to us. so it's so hard for me to even feel any sort of grieve of sadness since they kept telling me i had to be the "strong" one.

But my family decided we do not want a get together. mostly because the idea of them gettining drunk[which they always do] even tho someone in my fam told my dad to divorce my mother when this happened and everyone just...pretended my mom didn't exist...just doesn't sit right with me.

@Totalanimefan: yeah it's very difficult thing to swallow. even now. even tho we knew it was going to happen eventually because she is with hospice. it's still very difficult.
she had been losing so much weight since she has been with hospice, and also sufffers from dementia and anxiety and depression.

@Stinky: thank you I appreciate it
i will probably end up diving deep into art to help me cope with this news.

@wildfire: thank you i appreciate it.

If you need my attention for any reason please ping me.
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