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Forums Serious Talk Ugh my family

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/23 10:19:16 )
So, for the time being my aunt and uncle are "living" with us until they can find a place of their own.
And on weekends they like to go out to my mom's house.
This weekend was no different.
Only this weekend, they didn't tell me jack shit.
They just left.
Didn't tell me nothing, didn't ask "hey Ana, wanna go see your mom and sisters?" nothing.
(And they have the room in their car to fit me and my bag to go, so they have literally no excuse.)
So when they left I thought they were just going off for the day, then I ask my sister if they were there (after my grandfather had asked me where they went) and was instantly pissed that they were and hadn't told me anything or invited me along.
Half of me feels like I'm being petty and stupid, but the louder half of me is pissed off that they would do something like that considering I don't have my own vehicle and can't just pop down to my mom's whenever the hell fancy strikes. :vanora_angry:

Donator — She/her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/24 02:06:07 )
That's pretty crappy of them :(
By Ghost
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Donator — - Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/24 06:26:37 )
Meh. Maybe they had something they needed to discuss alone? Sometimes I just like to go to my mom's without other people. They don't necessarily have to bring you.

Voltie Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/24 07:41:00 )
Moving this over to Serious Talk for you because it belongs over there :vanora_smile:

Could you ask them why they didn't invite you along?

Donator — She/Her Posted 7 years ago ( 2017/09/24 14:35:40 )
you should ask them why they didn't invite you? If they have money to pack up, and go to your moms
for a few days. Then they pry have the money, to get there own place.
They're pry just mooching off of you, and your grandparents.. they should
be told that they have overstayed their welcome after pulling that crap.
If you can’t say something nice, Don’t say anything at all!

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