So tonight as I was heading to bed, I got all tucked in, and was sharing some time with a very special friend. Not long after, i received a message i had hoped would never come. A dear friend of mine, 21 years roughly, reached out because her husband had done something to her, or so she thought. She was panicked and frozen, scared and having serious flashbacks to her past. This is not uncommon during this time where people are quarantined and held hostage in their own homes so to speak. I would like to share with you all some help that is available.

Text the word START, HOME, or HELLO to 741741 will link you to a crisis advocate. you do not have to share anything you do not wish. it is confidential. the person you speak with is a trained advocate who is there for support and guidance but not medical information. You can also get this service through FB messenger at

211 from your phone will connect you with the United Way. All you do is give them your zip ode and let them know what you need and they will help locate resources in your area. this can be for any type of resource, and if they do not have a specific answer they can certainly point you in the right direction.

RAINN is the nation's largest sexual assault hotline. 800.656.4673 to speak with a counselor and find resources. you can also go to and live chat with someone. intimate partner violence affects a large portion of citizens. every 73 seconds an American is sexually assaulted, and every 9 min that person is a child.

National Child Abuse Hotline 800-422-4453 to chat with a counselor or for chat help

Sadly with the covid crisis, this is only adding stress to families, which correlates with higher rates of intimate partner violence and child abuse. ( If you or anyone you know is in need of assistance, there is help, and there is hope. Reach out. You are not alone.

To finish my story from above, as of now, my friend is safe. She has a safety plan that we worked on, a safe word, and she is armed with knowledge and resources. She has got to be one of the strongest and bravest people I know.

I also apologize if this is not appropriate or the right place to put this, i just felt the need to share some resources just in case someone out there needed to hear this message. Additional information is continued from here. Sadly I am not versed on international crisis lines for any of our members who aren't stateside, however, if anyone cares to contribute numbers or websites that may be of value to someone, even save a life.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
(800) 273-8255

Self-Harm Hotline
(800) 872-5437 and

Alcoholism & Drug Dependency HopeLine
(800) 622-2255