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Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/29 19:38:34 )

@Alorrena: I think the 2nd job sounds like a good idea. If I was you, I wouldn't want the money stress on top of the other stresses you guys are going through.
If you have screens on the windows, I recommend having them open in the mornings when it's cool. Do you guys have ceiling fans? Those help too.
Naps are good. It's important to take breaks and not push yourself too hard <3


Donator — Am Potato Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/29 23:16:56 )
@Totalanimefan: we have them open overnight usually, but since the whole house keeps unusual hours, I usually close the windows before going to bed. Unfortunately no ceiling fans, and the box fans we have don't work the best.

Tyi and I went to a card shop in maitland, fl. It's so nice and properly air conditioned in here its making me extra sleepy. I'm hoping once i make diner tonight I can pack all of the dishes and appliances tonight that are ours. If I have the energy. Otherwise I'll just pack it all tomorrow.

Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/30 00:12:21 )

Box fans are good for noise, but I feel like they don't work as well as ceiling fans for keeping you cool.

You and be both (about the energy thing). I had to cut my walk short today, and I was hoping to be able to take my exam today for my class, but I couldn't even get through the pre-recorded exam prep video. I'm just all over the place and tired, I hate this long covid thing. I hope that you feel better and are able to tackle more tomorrow.


Donator — Am Potato Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/30 01:19:09 )
@Totalanimefan: i hope you feel better soon too! I don't think i have long covid, i just couldn't sleep, so i have tired brain issues. I think i got a fair amount done today at least. All of our laundry is done except for the clothes from yesterday, today and tomorrow, so when we move sunday we can just do a load at the new place. I just got home from the card shop i was at and the thermostat says it's 79 in here. we immediately opened the windows since it's 75 outside. AC is definitely broken(not that there are any doubts lol). I've decided that since tomorrow's high is 82 we might as well keep the windows open all night and day. Hopefully some air circulation will be what the apartment needs until we move sunday, as long as it doesn't get too humid with the possible rain storms tomorrow. I have a general plan for tomorrow, and that's basically just tape up our open boxes and "organize" them so we can throw whatever's left out into a single box lol might be 2 lol

Voltie — Z/They Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/30 08:21:50 )
@Alorrena: thank you. This look was thanks to TotalAnimefan lol i just threw what I liked together while keeping my fox theme. I'm...oddly gifted at fashion for ladies lol. Mom even asks now n then about clothing choices...nuff about me XD
I would've never given ya a weird look for judging a woman's beauty. Hell. i would consider you cool lol Something we could share =n,n= My mom started gay. I was a perceptive kid n saw maybe before her n' my elder sisters did. Think 1s still unaware lol. So, I never judged outside the ''calling bad things 'gay' ,'' phase [wasnt directed, but, still rude.] Anyhoo, now...well she's a few things lol. But, only we [in the house] know. I know she claims to support gender diversity n I believe her, but, I also know it can be different if it's your kid...damn I vented

@Totalanimefan: Well I'm odd. With surface injury, I heal like Wolverine [x men]. Inner injuries I think my handicap makes healing a slow process bc it's muscles. Mmhm mid April the sun kicked in...can't believe I've been w/ y'all months =n,n=

Donator — Am Potato Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/30 16:28:56 )
@DreamerZ: All good. Yeah, i agree that it's probably different when it's your kid. I mean, you go your kids whole life thinking that they're one thing and then when they come out as something else, you have to rewrite their whole lives in your mind to really accept them as what they are. And that's really hard to do the longer you've known some one.

Voltie — Z/They Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/1 01:31:32 )
@Alorrena: Yeah. heck.Took a min to get in my head when my long time les friend went non binary. Still slips and I say ''woman''. Though I'm not targeting their gender choice, ''woman'' is just a speech quirk bc I'm a Sassy black person XD.. They get it lol. But, I still feel a lil rude.

Donator — Am Potato Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/1 01:47:32 )
@DreamerZ: I totally get that. one of my friends came out as NB a couple years ago and i occasionally slip up and use the wrong pronouns on occasion, but i always correct myself. I'm sure that if we lived in the same state/2 hour driving radius, i'd also be saying "Woman!" to them too, cause i used to say that to them too lol

I am SO tired today. It's hot, the windows are open, so it feels good in front of a fan or in front of the air vents, but there's pockets of hot air in the house. But! i'm almost all done! I just have to collect the pillows and throw blankets in a box, as well as the stuffies i have between my bed and the wall, and then just the small things in the corners of my bedroom need boxed up. Then out in the livingroom i have to box the ps4's, the Droids we made at WDW in january, and i need to make sure hubs packs the one time i needed him to pack, and then tomorrow i can just finish taping the open boxes in our room! so close to being done.

Voltie — Z/They Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/1 02:39:29 )
@Alorrena: glad to see its going well. i feel I'm in a slump. Just so unmotivated to do anything.

Donator — Am Potato Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/1 07:55:19 )
@DreamerZ: i totally get that. i've been procrastinating on the last little bit that i have left. It's literally just like 2 or 3 more boxes and then making sure everything is taped, but i just can't focus at this point. i should go to bed, but i want to get everything done before i do. Somehow i doubt that that's going to happen though, and i'll be trying to do everything in an hour tomorrow right after i get the Uhaul.

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/1 16:35:31 )
@Totalanimefan: I use my mom's '07 Mustang which is in not great condition and I hate it. It's also not mine so I can't trade it in even if I wanted to. You should definitely get away during the winter and have yourself a mini vacation in Florida. At this point Florida is sounding good to me too lol. I love the rain but I'd be scared of it in Florida.

Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/2 00:13:01 )

@Alorrena: Sounds like a good plan. I wasn't on yesterday, so I hope that everything went well.

@DreamerZ: That's interesting. Also happy May, it's somehow already May.

@SorrowTheMad: Haha there are so many of us on Voltra in FL that I guess it's not surprising, but you don't like the heat so I don't know if you would like it ^^; Also winter is the dry(er) season in the tropics. Most of the rain happens in the 'summer' months. Really it's pretty much always summer-like but the temps do change.
That doesn't sound like a great car, but at the same time it sounds cheaper than getting a new one haha. I guess it just depends what's more important to you. :)


Voltie — Z/They Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/2 01:07:58 )
@Alorrena: well you're almost there =n,n=

@Totalanimefan: its almost time for that bad star wars joke to come back [may 4th]. lol yeah, my body's always been..different lol

Donator — Am Potato Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/2 11:55:12 )
@Totalanimefan: it's been a rough 24 hours. I went to bed at about 6 am Sunday morning and woke up at 10 am to finish the last o the packing and taping before I went to get the truck. Then when we went to get the truck, it took an hour to get because the stupid uhaul app decided to take forever. Also I only wanted it to take about 30inites because I still had a few things left to do. Didn't get to them before the overs came, so while they're loading the truck, I'm making more boxed. Also, I had them for 2 hours and they still didn't get everything done. They got most of it, but had they been able to stay another 15 to 20 minutes, they'd have gotten it all and the rest of the day would have been better. So once they left, I brought down my jewelry box and my desk, and then I think 4 or 5 boxes, several bags, and my laundry basket that's full of clean clothes. )one roommate went to work shortly after theovers arrived, the other one took him and then said he was going to try to nap once the movers had left. He couldn't nap so he helped us bring down the stuff. It was just 1 trip. But it had started to rain, and tyi and I just wanted to be done cause it was 82 in the apartment, and not much better outside. So we go, tyi drove the car, and I was in the truck. So he says he'll meet me at his mom's since he'll probably beat me here, and then he takes off. So then I go to his mom's and he's not there yet. Mind you, he doesn't have a working phone. Turned out he had blown a tire on I-4 going 80. He's so lucky he didn't die or get into a wreck. The tire looked so bad. Anyways so his mom gets a call from an unknown number while we're waiting and getting worried, so she answered and it was tyi on a service rangers phone telling us that a tire blew out. And that we needed to figure out what to do because my friend had my donut. So I called her on my phone and had her go help him out, but she doesn't know how to change a tire, so they Called me back to come help since the ranger drove away. So I take the still full truck to them(he was 2 miles out from our exit, btw. ), and start helping with jacking up the car. Unfortunately there was a rather bitey ant hill where I was, and since I had to lay down to place the jack properly, I have ant bites on my thighs and stomach, as well as on by back and legs and feet. So I get the car jacked up enough to remove the tire(whats left of it.), get 4 of 5 lug nuts loosened, and then I'm out of breath cause it was hot. So I was like, ok I have one more, let's do this. And that was my big mistake. So I get it loose, and stand up and then like 30 seconds later I feel like I'm about to faint, so I go behind the car(between mine and my friend's) lay down on the ground, and try to prop my feet up on the car. Well... then I got nauseous because I was so dizzy, and I was experiencing tunnel vision, everything was spinning, and I had tunnel hearing. It was intense. So tyi comes over and didn't realize how bad of shape I was in until I started talking. I was slurring and I couldn't form entire sentences very well. So then he gets me a granola bar and my friend gives me a soda she had. I also had tingly hands that turned into them being numb with pins and needles. At first I thought they were itchy, but my brain just couldn't comprehend the pins and needles feeling. And my lips actually felt like that too, but I recognized that feeling because it was like I put plumping lipgloss on. And I had a metallic taste in my mouth. So anyways, he hands me the granola bar, I am only able to have 2 small bites and 3 sips od the soda before I gave up on the granola bar, because I didn't have the energy. So then the road ranger comes back and asks if im ok, he gets me a cold water (it was the BEST thing.) I drank a little of it but I had a hard time because lips we re so tingly, so I spilled a little on my face. But it felt so good! So I started using water bottle to try cooling myself down. I'm also Rolling around on the ground trying to be comfortable. And then I realize I had to potty. By that point the road ranger called EMTs. So I'm aware enough that I can tell them my name and stuff and what not (cognitive awareness tests lol), but I'm out of it enough that I'm almost falling asleep and can't make myself sit up on own. So they helped me move to a sitting position, and then they convince me that I need to go to the er and to be taken by ambulance. Poor tyi and my friend. I can't imagine how incredibly scary that was for them. So about the time the eats had arrived I started having bad bladder area pain, and the whole ride to the hospital I'm crying about it and how I just need to potty, and it came in waves of intensity. I felt better on my side but they wouldn't let me cause they were trying to hook me up to an ekg since they couldn't get my blood pressure. But I was so sweaty that the nodules wouldn't stick to me. So finally we get to the er and I got to go potty. But then I couldn't right away and it was so awkward. But then I was able to force my body to cooperate, and I felt marginally better. So then I went to a room, it was nice and cold. They wanted to also hook me up to an ekg, and my dress was in the way so I was like, I can just take it off. But my brain wasn't quite working right still, so I had to have help because I couldn't figure out how to make my arms pull the dress off over my head. 🤷‍♀️ so they finally get me hooked up. My blood pressure was good, my sugar was fine, and my heart looked good, so they gave me a medicine for my bladder spasms and an iv. But because I was a bit dehydrated, they had a hard time finding a vein, so she dug a little. 3 times. Twice in my arms by inner elbow, and once in my hand. So then she has another nurse come do it and she gets it first try. 🙄 so by this time my hubby arrives, tells me my sister in laws bf took the truck the house for us, and my friend went home. So then the nurse takes some blood and hooks me up to an iv and gives me the meds. So then I just kinda chatted with my hubby, and was in and out of sleep. So then, once the iv bag was half empty (it took me 15 minutes to emprtit the rest of the way), they came in and said my tests looked normal and what had happened was more than likely I was mildly dehydrated with some heat exhaustion., Andy blood pressure probably plummeted and couldn't get back up because I was too hot and probably anxious. (For once in my life I wasnt anxious though. Go figure lol) so they had me finish the bag and sent me home. So then because hunger, tyi and I went to find food. The McDonald's here all close after midnight, which sucks. So then we ended up at wawa and got quesadillas and burritos. And then we went home and I extended the truck usage for another day so I cam sleep a while before we have movers unload for us.

Also, please excuse typos and autocorrect. I'm on my phone and still quite tired.


Donator — Am Potato Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/2 11:56:35 )
@dreamerz: yeah
Read my last post to Total. :]

Almost there. We hired movers to unload the truck too cause f that lol

Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/2 16:35:30 )

@DreamerZ: Or the 'It's Gonna be May' one.
A little update on me, I have a job interview on Wed. I hope it goes well.

@Alorrena: Holy shit what a day! Is what happened to you because your body is still weak from recovering from Rona? Or that would have happened anyway with your medical history? I'm glad that you are ok in the end, but I was scared just reading your message.


Donator — Am Potato Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/2 20:32:56 )
@Totalanimefan: yeah, yesterday sucked. I don't think it was really related to rona. I have a tendency of being in an overly "I can do it myself." Mind set, so I tend to push myself too much. Normally I know my limits, but I think with how hot it was all day and with all of the exertion I had already done, my normal limit was greatly reduced. I feel a lot better today, I'm still tired, but that's because I only slept for like 4 or 5 hours again(had to be up early for the movers). We're all moved in now. Now this week we have to unpack and rearrange the boxes.
Call me Rena (Reh-nuh)! <3 married 02/02/2020
Rena's Quest

Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/2 21:26:09 )

@Alorrena: Ah I see. I'm a bit happy that it's not related to Long Covid, but it still happened to you. :(
I know what it's like to push yourself too hard and get heat exhaustion. Didn't have to go to the hospital though at least.
Please take some time for yourself and rest/take a nap. Now that it's all in the house, it doesn't have to be unpacked in a few days.


Voltie — Z/They Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/2 22:05:13 )
@Alorrena: Sheesh, thats awful... I hope that was all your bad luck the year. I'm glad you made it.

@Totalanimefan: Awesome. Ya nervous?

Ping me and bring me food..=0.0=

Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/05/2 22:28:17 )

@DreamerZ: Yeah a little bit, but I'm trying not to think about it too much. I did watch a how to answer interview questions videos. That helped me. I know that I would be good at this job, so I think that helps me. I think people can read that during the interview process.

By Ghost
Discord: Totalanimefan
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