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Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/18 17:26:35 )

@Bonnie: That's ok. You are allowed to do things in rl. How was your weekend?


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/18 21:24:39 )

    @Totalanimefan: it was good and relaxing. i just hung out with friends. that's all


Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/18 21:48:36 )

@Bonnie: That sounds nice. I did the same thing on Sat. Watched the NBA playoffs and cleaned on Sunday.


Voltie — Z/They Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/19 00:32:13 )
@Totalanimefan: been better. Had a bit of a family spat. Moving to a new home? Something happen?.

@Bonnie: I wouldn't say severe. But, it really weakened my arm. Dr said no break or fracture. But, it may be a sprain bc my arms hard to lift.

Donator — Am Potato Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/19 06:02:10 )
@Totalanimefan: Tyi's mom met me half way between her place and orlando (which was ironically still in orlando), and brought us the left over food. Gramps gave us his leftovers too because i guess he's on a diet. So we got like half of the ham, a bunch of sauce with meatballs and sausage, and a container of pasta- mostly noodles, but also 2 stuffed manicotti and a stuffed giant shell.

We're also moving! Tyi and i are going to take over the house his mom is renting, and it's the next street over from his grandparents. His mom is moving in with them slowly, so she'll be living with us until she can transition in to their house. She's moving in there so she can help Gramps out with Gram, who has dementia. Gram's already having a rough time, and Gramps needs the help taking care of her. And with me and Tyi right around the corner, we'll be able to visit more and help out if gramps needs to go somewhere. Also it will be nice because no stairs and eventually no roommates. And we can have pets there! There's a ton of other benefits to us moving too.

@DreamerZ: I'm like 98% better today, only slight nasal congestion that feels more like allergies than anything at this point. i am still a bit more tired than normal though. Tyi's doing a bit better. he's been coughing less today, which is good because yesterday he was coughing so hard he started dry heaving. He doesn't have any nausea unless he starts coughing really hard like that, so hopefully he'll be much better by Friday (we have DND on Fridays.) We are planning on moving on the 1st (see my response to total), and i'm really looking forward to being out of here. I have a hard time waiting for things and just want to get it done, but we need to wait until at least tyi is feeling better before we move.

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/19 12:14:19 )
@Totalanimefan: Well better is good. Hopefully the tiredness and cough go away soon. I'm glad to hear you're recovering though :)

Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/19 15:42:43 )

@DreamerZ: Oh no, are you ok?
Yeah I'm moving because I bought a new place, but it's not ready yet, but I gotta sell my current house in the summer time because the market is better then. I'm going to live in an apartment for 6 months. It's 2 moves in one year, but I'm excited!

@Alorrena: It's nice you at least got some home cooking. :)
Dementia is hard. I hope that it's not too rough for your mom. That's really exciting that you get to move to a better place. I'm also moving too, I'm not sure if I told you yet lol

@SorrowTheMad: Yes I am. Also I was able to write half my essay yesterday in only a few hours. I think I'm improving! That's exciting to me.
How have you been? ^^


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/19 15:55:08 )

    @Totalanimefan: none of my friends i know watch the NBA. i do like basketball but i can't get into not being at the game. at school, the high school basketball games were great. even the college ones i managed to go to as well. just can't get the same fun from the screen
    @DreamerZ: that's good just keep resting it! are there any stretches that help alleviate the pain a bit?



Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/19 16:49:16 )

@Bonnie: Do you have a fav NBA team? And your are right that it's not as fun when you don't have someone to share it with. My Dad has always been a basketball fan (and he likes other sports too) and I grew up in South Florida, so my team is the Miami HEAT. When I moved to England I couldn't not watch the games, and my now husband would watch it with me and he really liked it. He doesn't like any other sports lol. We watch the games together. The Heat are first in the east this year! :)


Donator — Am Potato Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/19 18:09:44 )
@Totalanimefan: The food was so good :] Yeah, my in-laws are struggling with it pretty hard, especially Tyi's s brothers and sister. Tyi is too. But my mother in law is handling it pretty well, i think. She'll be able to be around Gram a bit more once she's moved over there, and if she needs a night away once she's fully transitioned, she'll be able to because the house we're moving into has 3 bedrooms, and at least one is going to be a spare room specifically for any guests we may have, including my mother in law. it may or may not double as Tyi's office once we get a proper desk and computer chair for him, but we'll see when the time comes.

you didn't tell me specifically, but i saw you mention it to Z. :]

Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/19 20:52:20 )

@Alorrena: My grandma lost it at the end of her life. She took a dementia test and they said it wasn't that, but one day she just woke up and it was like she was in a constant panic attack, but for like a whole year. No matter what. It's really hard to see the people you love lost to an illness like these ones. It's good that you guys will be closer to help because it's a lot of work. You basically have to do everything for them, but also they resist and don't want you to help them, or they don't understand what's going on.
Ok thanks. My brain is still not the best, so I couldn't remember haha. It's only 3 miles away. So not far at all. The only thing is I will have to move twice this year and that part sucks haha


Voltie — Z/They Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/20 02:34:07 )
@Alorrena: happy to hear for you both n,n i also hate waiting on stuff lol But, yes, wait till youre both healthy.

@Totalanimefan: We are now. Wow 2 moves in a year. Id go crazy XD But, ;long as you enjoy it n,n

@Bonnie: Mmhm. A therapist recommended some n,n

Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/20 03:24:23 )

@DreamerZ: I know lol. I’m not looking forward to that part, good news is I can just like half unpack and keep the other stuff still packed. It’s 6 months and over the summer, so I only need what I need for the summer. My husband and I pack everything, but for the furniture it’s too heavy for us to move, so for that we hire movers.


Donator — Am Potato Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/20 05:06:28 )
@Totalanimefan: yeah, Gram's kind of like that. She constantly has a nasty attitude, and it's hard because my mother in law says sometimes she can't tell if it's the dementia or if it's just Gram being nasty (She gets an attitude reallly easily.), and she just has to remember that Gram doesn't really know what she's saying or what she's doing. It's hard on Gram though, because it's like she's always in this constant state of confusion and she's stubborn, so she thinks things are one way and gets upset when told other wise because her brain has her so convinced of things being how she said. Some times she's just nasty to some people, and she was like that for a while before she was diagnosed with dementia, which is why it's hard to tell sometimes.

I know what it's like to move twice in a year, and to be half unpacked. Tyi and i moved to his grandparents house in florida from idaho (where i'm originally from) in 2016, and then 8 months later we moved to our own place across town. That 8 months definitely felt like we were living out of a suitcase, since all of my stuff was in storage. Actually, i think that house we lived in was the only one we fully unpacked in, and we were only there for 2 years, and we've been half unpacked since. It really makes you wonder how much stuff we have that we don't really need anymore but still hang on to.

@dreamerz: I think last night we decided may 1st for the move date, but i think we need to tell Tyi's mom that that's the day we've decided on lol

I appreciate you checking on me and Tyi <3

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/20 12:37:22 )
@Totalanimefan: That's awesome news! I've been good, just getting out of the house a lot and hanging out with friends. Glad to hear you're recovering :D

Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/20 15:55:15 )

@Alorrena: One of my friends has a grandma like that and I don't understand why old people get so stubborn about things. I hope I'm not like that when I'm older.
It's rough living like that. In 2015 I moved to CA but my husband's company paid for us to live in a hotel for 5 months and then we had to move (locally) to an apartment. It was a lot and living in a hotel is good because you don't have to clean, but that's the only positive. Internet is slow, the space is very small, you are literally living out of your backpack and you can't cook. There was a fridge, sink and microwave but that was it. I gained a lot of weight then. I was able to loose it.
Maybe if you have the mental energy you should see if there are things you want to donate or get rid of? Then you don't have to move it again. I'm going to do that before my move.

@SorrowTheMad: Nice, that sounds like a lot of fun. ^-^ Is it spring yet near you?


Voltie — Z/They Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/21 17:28:19 )
@Totalanimefan: thats smart. Hell. Inever fully set up my room and we moved here years ago XD. My brain was like ''Ma's just gonna make us move again...''

@Alorrena: Mmhm~ Best everyone's on the same page. Lol n' i'm happy t have someone i care to check on n,n

Donator — She/her Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/21 17:58:15 )

@DreamerZ: It's tough to break the I'm moving mindset. I think that when our condo is done we will really like it. I looked up the company that's building it and they have a good track record and are local. Also the layout and finishes are nice. It will be a 2 bedroom + a Den so my husband can work in the Den and we have space for either my sister or someone else to stay with us. It's close enough that we can see the river, but it's not on a flood zone. Around the time we move in the new metro station will be open so we can just walk 2 blocks to the metro (like the subway but we can it the metro in DC)

By Ghost
Discord: Totalanimefan
I'm friendly and will chat with anyone!

Donator — Am Potato Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/22 02:57:15 )
@Totalanimefan: well, the thing is most of the stuff that's still in boxes is just like, house hold things and my husbands trading cards. I guess i can explain a little better- we moved to deltona,fl from idaho in february 2016, then we moved to our own place that october/november. Then we moved from there to Daytona in the end of 2019, but the place we moved into was prefurnished and wasn't supposed to be a long term thing, but my landlords (my downstairs neighbors/friends parent's) were cool with us staying however long we needed cause we didn't cause problems (except for when covid hit and i was unemployed and rent was a bit late). So we put our stuff in storage when we moved in there. Then last year, my current roommates 3rd roommate said he was moving back in with his mom, so they were in a bind and needed a roommate to fill the space, so tyi and i agreed to move in. So when we moved out of the daytona house, we had most of our stuff in storage anyways, so we decided to get rid of like half of our things, most of it being book cases and clothes we never wore anymore. So when we moved in here in orlando, we didn't really unpack much because it was supposed to be temporary(less than a year, but we've been here for 11 months.) and we were going to fill their space until they found someone else or we were able to take over at tyi's mom's. The stuff we have packed still is house hold stuff that they already have or we didn't have toom for anyways. It's not a whole lot of stuff we can get rid of at this point, but just a bunch f stuff we haven't needed or had room for at the previous places. I know that as i unpack at the new place (in deltona lol) i'll go through everything and get rid of what we don't need anymore, but it's a lot to go through when it's already all packed and ready to go.

That was a longer explanation than i expected, sorry for the wall of text!

@DreamerZ: yeah, definitely. we still haven't told her yet though haha
Call me Rena (Reh-nuh)! <3 married 02/02/2020
Rena's Quest

Voltie — Z/They Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/04/22 07:17:13 )
@Totalanimefan: Damn you have it all planned out lol

@Alorrena: Why's that if i may ask

Ping me and bring me food..=0.0=

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