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Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/01/28 14:03:31 )
    He must be a picky eater, haha. Lentils are pretty delicious, and one of my favorite things to eat because they can be so satisfying in the cold weather. Back home, there was a restaurant that made a lentil soup with reindeer sausage so it was very tasty.

    Cooking your own food can be substantially cheaper, and if you're knowledgeable about where to shop and what's in season, eating "healthy" isn't hard at all. It's especially easy in a farm country because produce tends to be cheaper, but it's usually pretty accessible anywhere these days.

    The last room mate I had was on this steak-only diet.
    It still makes my eyes water from giggling about how he always complained about his stomach.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/01/28 14:37:49 )
@Totalanimefan: Congrats on making such good progress with your school stuff and getting through another class!
Good convo about food! I agree that it's confusing to me to hear people say "oh, it's expensive to eat healthy"... well, uhh... not really. Depending on the household dynamics, you can often get two meals from cooking once(-ish) if you plan accordingly... which knocks down the cost of ingredients. If you think in terms of overall cost through your lifetime, what kind of medical bills are you going to be paying later if you don't eat at least reasonably well now?? The other thing that baffles me is "I don't have time to cook healthy"... really? ... but you have time to sit around and babysit some premade something in the microwave for 45+ minutes? Do you realize how many healthy things you can make yourself in that same time period??

I made split pea and (leftover) ham soup last night with cornbread muffins for the guys - it was pretty good, tbh. My youngest was apparently boasting about it and had to take some to a friend to illustrate what a good cook I am - lol!!! I may even do another round of leftover ham (if there is any - lol) with sauteed greens (from the garden) and black-eyed peas (or something similar) for tonight :3


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/01/28 14:41:46 )

Good morning.

Temps are going to drop here later today, with forecast for freezing temperatures all the way to south FL. I'll be covering up some of my baby plants after I get back from meeting a friend for lunch... or trying to cover them up, anyway. XD


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/01/28 16:20:33 )
    @Wildfire: Ooh, the sauteed greens from your garden sound really good. One of my favorite dishes is collared greens.

    I wonder if perhaps cooking in general isn't just a bit intimidating, and moreso coming up with meal plans that are supposed to be healthier.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/01/28 17:06:44 )
@blue: It's actually collard greens and some cabbage from my garden that I'll be using! :3
Yes, I think you're right about the idea of cooking and meal planning being intimidating for some... it's not like it's generally taught anymore (either in schools with "home-economics" classes, or at home through Mom, Grandmom, Aunts, etc.). But it's not difficult - it just takes a little bit of attention, and I'm not sure it takes more attention than doing the "junk" food thing. And "healthy" just means "real food", really - if it comes out of a box or a can or some other type of packaging, it inevitably has extra things in it - preservatives, colorings, fake flavorings, etc. - and it's largely these things that combine and collect in the body to create unhealthy conditions...


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/01/28 18:09:38 )
Good Morning. <3
I can definitely agree that cooking meals [for the first time] and meal planning is intimidating.
I've changed my entire food diet because of having children. :> I taught them at a young age what the difference between 'real food' and 'filler food' is. Which is something I wasn't really taught at home or school. We had health classes that very briefly went over diet health, but it was usually "as you know- ___ food is good for your heart." and it was easy to zone out after that.
My mom grew up eating garden greens and cooking with her mom. same with my dad, he grew up on the farm. I am child #9, the older kids got taught the home skills, and I got leftover worn-out parenting. Mind you, I'm not complaining. :3 I love my parents and they did their best. :3
This pregnancy is seriously opening my eyes to how much fake flavoring and coloring is in quick foods. I've had to cut those out. and pre-pregnancy, I had already cut out preservative foods. =O

I'm making zucchini chips today. :3

@blue: omgosh! I'm so curious where you grew up. <3 [I feel like I've asked you before] Growing up with reindeer meat sounds amazing. :3
I really love game meat. I was given a Norwegian cook book and most of the picture-meals make me drool, but I have no access to game meats. lol!

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/01/28 22:30:26 )
    @Wildfire: I don't mind preservatives or pre-made foods. They can be an easy go-to and helpful for when you're just not up to cooking or need a little bit of a head start. It's only that--like you mentioned--it gets expensive if you rely on it too much sometimes. I bet a cooking class would be really enjoyable in school when you're young, especially if it's just to cook some basics or have other kids bring in recipes to try. I didn't really learn to cook until I was...I believe around 20. It was definitely intimidating at first, and you don't know what the directions really mean; thank goodness youtube exists now.

    @Koah: Isn't it wild how many foods have food coloring? Sometimes you just have to wonder why. The same with sugar!
    Ohh, I'm envious! I've never tried Norwegian foods. I was pretty lucky to grow up where I did; lots of seafood (father was a fisherman) and lots of game meats because it was a lot of wilderness. There are a lot of companies and delis that will sell specialty meats. Kielbasa is pretty common, even in grocery stores (I thought) and reindeer sausage was a staple where I grew up.


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/01/28 23:47:14 )
@blue: YOUR ART! it's amazing! I love her! me! <3 wow! I totally appreciate your time and style for drawing my avi. <3
I wanna draw yours now. :3 Awe, I feel loved.

I found out my [adopted] daughter is allergic to some food coloring. Red dye being one. She was 6 and ate a red velvet cupcake and minutes later red was everywhere, it was a terrible way to find out her body hates red dye.

I've learned a couple of dishes from my family. But nothing 'normal', as far as Scandinavian foods. I can make crepes, lefse, krumkake and my favorite- PotetKlubb. OH and Swedish meatballs. XD lol. We really only make these around the holidays.
I grew up on the Washington state coast. So lots of salmon. <3 I used to hate it, but now I miss Salmon.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/01/28 23:58:16 )
    @Koah: haha, It's my pleasure so I'm pleased you enjoy it.

    Ohh, a Potet Klubb? I had to look it up, but I wonder if you wouldn't be a big pierogi (Polish) fan. These little potet things looks very interesting; are they served any particular style? In a soup? Just willy-nilly? I am a little potato demon...

    I don't think I ever developed a taste for salmon but it was a staple. I got better at eating fish as I grew up, but it was always a struggle for me. As an adult, my mother thinks it's funny that I fake it just to be polite--she's the only one who could tell. I'd love to eat more fish and cook it more often; it's a great protein, but I tend to be more vegetable-heavy and my partner prefers chicken.

    In this area, there are a lot of Jamaican and Central American restaurants. It's a cuisine I'm almost entirely unfamiliar with (save for a few items) but it's very interesting to see the different methods and dishes everyone has.

Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/01/29 00:22:20 )
@blue: I really didn't take to fish until I was an adult. I still will only eat Tuna and Salmon. I'll occasionally eat some sushi with my husband.
I'm not familiar with pierogi, but I'm over here googling recipes. <3 Looks like something I would totally love to eat. You might have to give me some ideas here, there are a lot of different recipes for this.
I eat potet klubb bland with a side of broccoli. However, if you were to make the balls small, you could toss them into a vegetable, pork, or beef soup.
We always make a lot of potetklubb (potato dumplings), we have a tradition of slicing them thin in the morning and frying them up for breakfast. Either way, this food is extremely filling and if you aren't a potato demon, it's not yummy. lol.

I live in a small town in Oregon state, our restaurants are almost entirely Mexican cuisine. I would love it if something more exciting moved into our area.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/01/29 13:08:37 )
I disappeared to wrap up my baby tropical plants against a threatened frost/freeze warning, made dinner (turkey bacon + collard greens + black eyed peas + rice for the guys), and then basically collapsed on the couch... but again, I love the food discussion! :3

Where I am there is a lot of Greek and Mediterranean food, and Mexican, of course, but also Indian, Italian, Cajun, Caribbean, Asian, etc. -too many to list, really. If we want a particular cuisine, we could probably find it, in a reasonably authentic form, within a reasonable drive from the house. And then there's all the 'famous chef' restaurants and the more unique chain restaurants at Disney (~1.5-2hrs drive), if we wanted to do something like that. And Southern cooking and BBQ restaurants are everywhere here too, of course (not my favorite). The more generic "American" restaurants in the area tend to have a lot of fish on the menu, since we're on the Gulf of Mexico, and fairly often, alligator.

Good morning.
It's early. I'm tired, and waiting for the caffeine to kick in and the sun to come up so I can see whether or not my "frost proofing" worked, or was even necessary last night...


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/01/29 15:11:35 )

Good morning folks.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/01/29 15:18:11 )
@Another Movie Addict: Good morning AMA. How are you today? How is Mom?


Donator — 0% Edible Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/01/29 15:21:38 )

I'm alright. They moved her out of the ICU and into a regular room this morning. She's sore, and cranky, which is to be expected.


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/01/29 15:23:54 )
Sore and cranky are probably good signs - lol! XD I'm glad she's stable enough to have been moved and that she's doing better :3 <3

(brb - computer is prompting me for a restart / update)


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/01/29 16:43:14 )
@Wildfire: Good morning.
oh my gosh, you've got to be plop center in a populated area. =O If I ever make my way to FL for any reason, I hope I can rely on you to show me some good foods. I'd love to try alligator. XD lol

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/01/29 17:01:19 )
@Koah: Good morning. Yeah - I'm in the Tampa Bay area, so we have Clearwater, Tampa, and St. Petersburg (and all kinds of cute little towns - some of which are pretty ethnic, or tourist/beachy) in the immediate area, and then further inland is Orlando, with Islands of Adventure, Disney, and everything else that area includes.

Alligator is pretty good, actually. It's mild tasting and has a texture kind of like chicken or maybe scallops... that kind of density. :3 And yes, of course I'll run around, eating all the good foods with you if you ever end up in this area!! <3


Donator Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/01/29 17:40:52 )
@Wildfire: You're in the thick of it all. :3 That's awesome. Once flights don't require covid tests and I've gotten through the baby stage with this unborn baby, I'll look at traveling again. :) I've heard a lot about FL, and seen pictures, but it would be pretty neat to go see it myself. :3
My dad swears alligator and rattlesnake both taste like chicken! lol
I'm pretty sure my uncle with his 6+ kids lives near you somewhere. I don't have a relationship with that side of the family though.

Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/01/29 17:52:03 )
@Koah: LOL - I've never had rattlesnake (that I'm aware of) but it's amazing how much "like chicken" things can really be sometimes! Alligator has a slightly different flavor, but it's hard to describe. And I haven't had any recently, so that's not helping my ability to describe it - lol.

Yeah, I have to admit - this is a fun area to live in. There's a lot to do and the types of things are all over the map... from beach-bum, to theme parks, to camping, kayaking, craft fairs, concerts, etc... all the things!! XD And yes - definitely let me know if you are looking to come this way! :3


Voltie Posted 2 years ago ( 2022/01/30 14:14:22 )

Good morning.

I don't think it actually got to the freezing temperatures that were predicted last night... or if it did, it was barely and not for very long. I need to go uncover everything in the garden now that it was all bundled up... but first, coffee :3

Does anyone have plans for this lovely Sunday?

Other than dealing with the plants, it's looking like I'll be running to get groceries at some point. Beyond that, I have some work to do on the computer and the usual household stuff... I think.

┤▒├ Hangout with me! ┤▒├

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