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Posted in How many fuses do you have? Posted 6 years ago
I have 136 volts! Although, I'm glad the site gave us a set of event items already. Nice!

Posted in 1% battery left. Please charge!! Posted 6 years ago
@star2000shadow: Yeah! I like a lot of the items here too! * A* !
I keep messing around with what colors I like though, so it's frustrating because there's so many good colors. Ahhhh.
Need to get these event items! YEAH!

@len: Oh, that is good! I need to go back to school soon, I'm really not looking forward to that. Ahhhh. It's been like 3 years already. Frick.

Unfortunately they don't. Ahhh. You can always adjust the price if you ever needed to though! I know I always try to add more to commissions when I can. Ahhhh.

Of course!

Posted in How many fuses do you have? Posted 6 years ago
I have 122 fuses. Ahhh. I'm so slow with posting. I just need a few sets pls. Posting goddess, help mee!!

Posted in 1% battery left. Please charge!! Posted 6 years ago
@sunny: Thank you! eventually I'll make my own reference for her! Haha.
I have more pictures of her though, but I think that piece is my favorite. TT ~ TT
I love your avatar by the way!!!

@len: Oh no! I usually have something playing in the background and I can't focus 100% on both things. orz. Sometimes I'll start typing what they're saying, or I'll need to talk out loud and re-read what I said so it makes sense.

Ahhh, but I'm older so it's considered childish. Ahhhh.
That's true! I usually just follow the price guide on here though, since I really don't know the price of any of the items. eeps.
Hmmm. Well, I'm not sure if event threads give us more volts, but I've made 2k in the past day or so??

Oh geez, yeah. I can't even imagine what was going on near the school itself. q vq My heart goes out to you all!

@star2000shadow: Hey there!
Pretty good, though I'm definitely not getting at much posting in as I wanted. I'm not sure if I'm going to be able to get multiples of this set on top of the items for page prizes. Ahhh.
How about you, do you like it??

Posted in So light em up up up Posted 6 years ago
@tuijp: Well, that's good. O: Seems like this thread is moving right along, so that's usually a good thing.

Posted in How many fuses do you have? Posted 6 years ago
I have 110 fuses! I still have so many more before I can get the whole set. Ahhhh.

Posted in So light em up up up Posted 6 years ago
/peeks in.
I like the song in the title. QvQ

Posted in 1% battery left. Please charge!! Posted 6 years ago
@Len: Anything can be fun if you know what you’re doing. That’s generally why I like games. Lol. I definitely wouldn’t be able to manage anything with it. I can barely pay attention to something if someone else is talking. Cry.

I know how to do colors and spoilers and Img things but that’s about it. I can do links too! Though, they have like a mini cheat sheet on this website, so that’s most of it. At least I can do easy coding! Huzzah!

Yesyes! I love cutesy things! QvQ
I can’t help it.
Oh man, I know that feeling! I feel the same way with art! I feel like I can never get the perfect price. Lately I’ve been overpricing because I have less time to do things. I feel like that is really cheap! I might need to save up and get one from you!

It really is. Just need to be cautious of everything now.

@nyuu: Well feeling better is good!
Oh no! Did you smash it on something or maybe bend it weird or sleep on it??? Maybe try to ice it or bend it? I’m not even sure if it could be muscles or bones. Ahh!

Posted in 1% battery left. Please charge!! Posted 6 years ago
@len: Oh man. I've never heard it before in my life, so it's already more complex than I'd ever understand. @ ___ @ I wish you the best of luck in it though! q ___ q
I barely understand BBCode to be honest.... I just got into coding profiles for my characters on toyhouse.|||OTL And it's a taken code from someone and I just edit it to put in my own things. weep.

Yeah, it's super cool! I'm usually one for cutesy things though, it's totally my jam! >: 3c
Ooooh, that would be awesome!! I'm sure you can make lots of volts for it and stuff!

Yayyy!! That will help in this event AND in real life! Hurrah!
But... now the outlet needs to compete with charging my laptop/phone AND now my brain. oh no! My electric bill is going to be through the roof!

It really is. :c School shootings always scare me to death because I work in a school, and I would never want any of my students to be hurt at all. Ahhh.
I finally got a lock for my classroom, so I suppose that's a start as well.

Posted in 1% battery left. Please charge!! Posted 6 years ago
@len: I know what those websites are, but bootstrap is another whole language for me. orz. Well, I'm glad you were able to figure it out! /goes to take a peek at your profile.
WOOOH! IT EVEN GLOWS! That's so cute!!! * A* !!!

TT ___ TT Too bad I need my brain for work, otherwise I'd be able to restore some of my memory cells. ded.

Ohhh. I didn't know the name of the school, but that was a tragedy. I have to practice drills soon too. At least the schools are being er- more safe about things? q vq

@auxillatrix: Ah, same! I like a lot of those games too! It's been awhile since I've played those though. cry.
I'm really bad at strategy games, it just gives me a headache and I can't never seem to understand a lot of them. /flops

Yeah! It's been on playstation for a little while now! I don't have a PS though, so I need to wait until the fall. I cry. ;;;;;;
Awhman, I know the feeling! I needed to get a better computer to play most games.

Posted in 1% battery left. Please charge!! Posted 6 years ago
@auxillatrix: Will do! Q VQ !!!
I tend to like repetitive games because it's easier tasks that I don't need to think about and can do it on my own free time. orz.
Yes! It's amazing and definitely recommended! Even more fun if you play it with friends. : ' >

@len: Oh man, I knew you'd say that. |||OTL. I suppose practice does make perfect.
I know it definitely not for me, that's for sure. I suppose I'll stick with drawing doodles and such. /nodnod.
Really? O: I thought it would be like every other type of website. o:

I know. @ ~ @ It's completely into a puddle! I don't think I can stuff any other information in it. /flops.
Oh wow! Ultra congrats to you then!!!

Wh- that just ??? That makes no sense, then! Silly people!
MLS tragedy??

Posted in 1% battery left. Please charge!! Posted 6 years ago
@auxillatrix: Ohhh, I have one of those- yay! I think I have a gift card still left too, so I can always buy it and save it for later. /nodnod.
AHHHH, It's so good!!! I mean, it takes some getting used to and sometimes it's really repetitive, but I swear it's a lot of fun!
That's a good game too! Oh my gosh!

Posted in 1% battery left. Please charge!! Posted 6 years ago
@nyuu: I mean, I know they can't read minds or understand how I feel, but yeah! I'm paying out of pocket for silly things like the co-payment for walk-in clinics, and it's just ugh. I'm not made of money and sometimes visits are really expensive!

It will definitely help, I know it does for me. : > Gives your body some time to restore itself.
...or something like that.

Posted in 1% battery left. Please charge!! Posted 6 years ago
@nyuu: Yes! It's not even worth going to the doctor either, because half the time they don't know 100% either. orz. I've had so many doctors just tell me "maybe it's a bug" after three days of being sick, liek they don't know. orz.

Ahhh, yes that will help! Feel better and have a good night's sleep! <3