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1. The time is different.
2. The clock weights are at different level.
3. Spider is different colour.
4. Virgil is violet.
5. Picture frame askew.
6. Candle is lit.
7. Handles on cabinet are a different colour.
8. Inkwell different sizes.
9. Quill upside down.
This one is cute haha!
7th row, 5th one from the left!
Found them but I has no ez host on my phone so I'll just describe!
Vanora is to the right of Frizz in the top middle of the image, and Vivienne is behind Spark on the middle right of the image!
I think I got it!

813 647 925
249 135 687
657 892 413

176 924 538
925 318 764
438 576 291

592 783 146
784 261 359
361 459 872