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@okios: I've never felt more used in my entire life omfg OTL

@okios: AHHHHHHH rsnbgfhbirsikrws I'm fine with whatevs, I don't care what you call me *shrugs*

oh please call me a blob!! nononono. I'm a sloth. you may call me sloth or slothess. sdhgbfjuswgdjfch

@okios: Thanks uhm... is bro okay? I don't wanna offend o-o

*crawls in* I lived....peeps

Posted in Sunrise ✹ [closed] Posted 6 years ago
@Yuracye: I have to question your cutting style o-o

@Mica: good question. Idk

@Lithinel: Oh wow x.x so many LOL

@Lithinel: I have no idea what that series is o-o LOL

@Lithinel: I read the first book of the infernal devices. And I read up to uhm city of fallen angels I think?

@Lithinel: Hahah yeah, I read it when I was in middleschool/highschool but I haven't kept up with it

@Lithinel: I'm going to admit that it took me a few seconds to figure out what LotR was c': Sorry, I never got into Lord of the Rings. I read some of The Mortal Instruments though!

@Lithinel: I have a few characters I actually enjoy. But my favorite character and most polished character is my first DnD character, Chrys. She's a good girl c':

@Lithinel: Oh that's always good, liking your characters makes working with them easier!

@Mica: Mica, I wouldn't if I had a choice c':

@Lithinel: Hopefully it turns out like you want it to! And it's okay. I'll survive maybe *cries*

@Mica: I mean... no. LOL I will be getting more hours since I'll be at work from today at 4pm until sunday at 12pm or 8pm, depending on if they set up someone to take my shift when we get back. But we've been so understaffed that I don't think they did.