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@devil: they don't have socks the size i need them for this leg 'shrugs' i just deal with it . it could be worse it oculd be agony instead of just painful 'nods' so Im taking and counting my blessings. so how went your day?

@devil: Dun do it on purpose, I jsut forget i can't move as well as everyone else. and sometimes it happened out of the blue liek the last time i was gettign out of the back of the van and hand to step up and around the groceries i had just bought and my knee gave out. but i haven't put it out in years, but the damage id id tot he cartladge, means when it gets cold my joint aches.a dd in the infection tot hat leg six years ago and the wound taking forever to heal means i feel the cold a lot worse in that leg to. 'makes face'
Posted in The Lurker Locker Posted 5 years ago

aww this is a sweet idea..
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 5 years ago

@Unicorn: no no its not 'makes face' thena gain i haven't had much to eat so im not surprised my body's stopped out putting heat 'shrugs' i'm gonna get some money out today to go grocery shopping.

@devil: just the right one, then again I've put the knee out several three times, the legs had an infection, twice, had a wound it's had to heal for five to six years now, that's only just NOW starting to heal..and oh yeah I've fallen a couple dozen times and landed ont hat knee i can't really blame it for acheing when a storms comign or it gets super duper cold.
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 5 years ago

@Unicorn: 'shrugs' im not worried..just commenting 'nods' right now im sleepy and cold..haha..thena gian im always cold now a days.
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 5 years ago

@Unicorn: aw I'm sorry to hear that and its taken me a while as well it hink we had a bottle a year ago? maybe two?

@devil: well that sounds fun. 'rubs eyes' I napped because my legs been hurting all day. i warm it up it stops hurting, i comeo ut here and it cools down and it starts to ache. so i have a feeling we have a snow storm on the way 'makes face'
Posted in 《Unicorns Charity》making a new contest Posted 5 years ago

@Unicorn: that sounds fun 'rubs eyes' i like sweet wine as well. i just dont' drink it often haha.

@devil: they really really are 'sigh' ah well. how goes your day.

@devil: they really are 'nods' i do scrambled egg sandwhiches and fried egg sandwhiches and sunny side up egg sandwhiches and normal boiled egged sandwhiches with mayo and allt he other nummy things..

@devil: if we had eggs, star would so be making some.. that and some toast. egg sandwhiches rock.

@devil: meh nothign to be sorry for its food, food is good. food means im warm and not cold from lack th ere of.

@devil: mashed tatto's hun.. i added a bit more butter and was able to finish them though didn't ahve the normal joy int hem that i normally have.. ah well.