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Posted in One Shocked Vampire Posted 3 years ago
@Ruby: Yes, yes you did. Thank you angel <3
@Totalanimefan: It's been like, melty-snowy here (where it melts as soon as it hits the ground) but right now it's actually starting to stack up with some big flakes, so we'll probably get a few inches in total.

@Shadami: Great! Nice to see you back :)
Posted in One Shocked Vampire Posted 3 years ago
@Naeril: They actually finally released it?! After how long they've been talking about it, and the capsizing of the MMO, as well as many other failed attempts, I thought for sure this franchise would stay cursed to never have a sequel. F--- yeah! :D

Yeah, I love the game, as @Ruby: said. :)
@Totalanimefan: Ah ok, gotcha :)

@Shadami: Hey Shad, how're you? :)
@Totalanimefan: The Wii game? Twilight Princess? That's kind of sad that that's all that's happening.
@Totalanimefan: Lol I don't mind spoilers. :) But I figured.
@Totalanimefan: Hey, that sounds pretty awesome! Guess I know why Zelda is trending on Twitter right now (or was like ten minutes ago). I'm glad to be home, lol.
What's up people? :D
@Lilykin: And now I need to definitely get something to munch on. Lol.
@Lilykin: Now I'm getting hungry, dammit lol.
@Totalanimefan: I'm really sorry to hear that. It makes it a little easier when you expect it, like my siblings were all sick for years before it finally happened. Whereas my two best friends and my aunt all were very sudden and out of nowhere, and the shellshock of that happening is the absolute worst.

Whatcha make for dinner? :O
@Totalanimefan: Didn't mean to kill your thread, sorry lol
@Lilykin: It's ok. Life happens. I'm alive, so it definitely could be worse.
@Totalanimefan: I'm glad to hear they're both still alive :) I've lost nine people in my 30 years. It sucks, but it happens. Not much you can do about it except move on and keep living.