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Posted in What's everyone's halloween plans? Posted 4 years ago
I decided since its a Full Moon on the 31st to go camping.
I'm heavily excited the synchronicity nature of this coming moon phase since it will be slicing into the veil thinning of all saints day or day of the dead.

So going to moon bathe and charge some crystals for my shop and customers! Besides meditating in the moon light and grounding myself.

Tbh, I never really make plans for Halloween anyway. But the cdc regulations make it almost impossible to have fun if I did make plans. Ill probably just end up hanging out and maybe watch some spoopy stuff with some friends or something.

last year I watch haunting of hil house til the wee hours of the night. Then couldn't sleep because I scared myself so much...
Might want to take a look It's on Netflix!

depending on health and financial situations, I'd really like to attend the haunt i used to work at this year. As a guest i mean. I've meant to do it for the last couple of years but I never found the time to do it, but since I'm not able to work there this year, I have all the time in the world to book a night to go! but again, it all depends.

That reminds me....I havent been to a haunted house in a good min. Also wanted to do corn maze ever been in one?
Posted in Greetings from Texas! Posted 4 years ago
Hey there,
I just wanted to introduce myself!
My name is Kimi I'm 30 years old.
I own and run a metaphysical store for a living in Texas.
Aswell as do card readings and distance pendulum healing as a hobby.

Currently, studying Reiki and Huna healing modalities.

In all honestly I missed the avatar community I used to be a member of Gaia and Solia Online waaay but to the point I forgot my passwords.

Thank you for taking the time to read this!