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@RainbowPanda: Yeah, but its dangerous for the rest of the kids who've attended the same schools as you :/
At least you're a good kid but trust me there are probably a lot of dumb kids in your school who are ill-informed and will end up with early pregnancies or diseases due to the lack of knowledge or misconceptions given to them by their parents.

@josefine: Sleepy, and not looking forward to having to do HW and going to the gym ;w;

@Taemins Lover: Woo! I hope you get in. Do you have a lot of experiences and stuff?

@Totalanimefan: Oh, okay! So you were only in PBC for a short while, then?

Posted in Artsune! Drawings by Miku Posted 7 years ago

Bookmarking for later <3 I love your art.

@vengeance: Welcome back!

@Taemins Lover: I'm going to grad school, too, hopefully. xD
I have to move closer to campus so I can actually be on campus and join clubs/organizations/meet professors and stuff.

@josefine: Hey there!

@RainbowPanda: Credit hours is just how many hours you're taking. It's a weird thing.
Normally lower-level college classes are 3.0 hours a semester. Your average student takes 12-15 credit hours a semester.
The higher level/harder coarses can be 4.0 hours or sometimes even 5.0
Makes scheduling your classes a challenge when they're like that, though. xD

Also really you haven't had sex ed? You're in HS right? Wow...that's dangerous.

@Taemins Lover: Yay, congrats! I'm guessing you're getting your B.S. or B.A. or whatever?
I have three more semesters before I get mine, I believe.

Just realized I posted twice, my B.

@RainbowPanda: Sex Ed = sexual education. So telling people about how sex works, pregnancy, anatomy of genitals, STIs (sexually transmitted infections), etc.
Yeah, Catholicism and Christianity tend to be uptight and taboo when it comes to this stuff. Generally kids rebel or since they have no idea what it is they aren't safe.

@Taemins Lover: Jesus Christ .________________________________________________.
I give you all my kudos *throws them at you*
I've never had to take that much and I couldn't imagine ever having to.
Why so many?

@RainbowPanda: Dangggggg. Granted they're in another country where Sex Ed may not be as good or common as it is here. Plus religion and stuff plays into that...if parents dont wan't to talk about it/make it taboo.

@Taemins Lover: I feel ya. How many credit hours are you taking a semester?

@Taemins Lover: I'm proud of ya xD that pre-calc class is the only class I got a C in. What a freakin' bummer. Now that I'm at a different Uni it was pretty much pointless.

@RainbowPanda: Dang that's a big difference in ages, if they have kids now. xD

@Totalanimefan: Which HS did you go to??

@Taemins Lover: Ah, okay, phew.
I believe I have an exam this weekend, too. RIPIP.

@RainbowPanda: What a hellish thing. xD
Having this many siblings totally sucks.

@Totalanimefan: Okay what the heck we literally lived in the same area.
:l what if we were neighbors
(You're my older sister's age so maybe you know her !_!)

@Taemins Lover: OHGAWd org chem. I wish you the best of luck lmao
I would be flippin' my shit everywhere.
Posted in chai tea | freebie shop !free th codes! Posted 7 years ago

Bookmarking this thread so I can come back when you aren't as swamped <3