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Posted in Hello! Posted 7 years ago
Well since it is still in Beta and it's only been open like a week, I'm sure there are still plenty of kinks they are working out.
If there is anything sort of game-breaking or if you have any ideas about the mobile version feel free to post it in the bug reports/feedback area :)
Posted in Hello! Posted 7 years ago
Hello and welcome to Voltra! I hope you enjoy it here!
Since you haven't been on forums like these in years, I think this new startup might be the perfect fit :D
Posted in • A Nalightful Quest • Posted 7 years ago
@chai: I don't think they do yet. Especially with their continued rotation of members. It's a little bit of a mess for them right now.

WE WILL BE CHAILIGHT THE ALMIGHTY. The internship was basically what I'm doing now. Some graphic design and some illustration. But add in a lot of information input into spreadsheet. On my Behance portfolio thing the like 8th and 9th some of what I done. Landmark illustrations and then graphic design stuff for the chamber of commerce.

Yaass, I'd love for my art to go to someone who would really enjoy it. That's one of the best things about it.

And yeah, you to have the whole url basically, or it won't work correctly.

So how have you been, what have you been up to?
Posted in FIgured I'd check this place out. Posted 7 years ago
Hey Maro, welcome in!
Hope you enjoy it here :)
Posted in No report feature Posted 7 years ago
That's probably a good idea, especially if it would automatically link the infraction thread/post. Easier to locate that way.
Posted in New Post Notification Duplicate Posted 7 years ago
I get what you're saying. It happens to me sometimes (I'm don't think it does it will every post, though).
Sometimes I will get the yellow notification bar saying there is a new post, when it's just like a duplicate of mine. Which goes away when I refresh without an issue.
You guys are doing pretty well!
Already hit the 250 mark before I even got back!

Oooo possible charity thread mod position .O.

Posted in • A Nalightful Quest • Posted 7 years ago
@chai: Yay, I'm glad you didn't die :vanora_xd: That would make me sad.

Ummm they play sort of eclectic sort of music. It's like a mix of things with jazz, idk really.

Haha I'm too good?! You're too good! I always look at your stuff and have the same "teach me your ways" reaction! But yeah, I've been getting some decent freelancing so far. A few things from friends and some better paying things from the place I interned at. The owner doesn't hire many people, but she uses freelancers a lot. Lucky for me she seems to like me. Currently doing a graphic design project and an illustration project for them.

I can do some prints. I actually still have all of the originals, too. I've been meaning to talk to people who might want to buy them. Feel free to message me sometime if you really want to purchase something!

And I've actually seen several people have broken links around, so it's not just you.
Well now I'm off to go eat and watch that season finale of Game of Thrones I havn't watched yet.
Later :) Godspeed to 250.

Yeah Panda is online ^_^
Maybe watching us scramble for 200

That would be evil and a little funny :vanora_xd:

Welcome back Reaper!
That's what I'm about to go do. Might stick around till 200 and then head off.

300 would be crazy.
200 thouuuugghhh. Bet Panda's like... I'll get them when they least expect it

@Mini: I'll probably disappear soon for dinner, myself.
I think we're having chicken strips and idk what else.

@Vig: I'm surprised, too.
I logged in and was like... woah. Good job.

Mini, Oh dang I didn't see your post xD
Yeah it has it's bumps haha.

And I'm good! Currently just chatting and doing some art, how about you?