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@Totalanimefan: That makes sense then! I would have never thought about cats growing nails super fast, but I suppose if some humans do then animals definitely can too.
Posted in um so I got a job Posted 3 years ago
@RainbowPanda: Congrats on the job! Hopefully it’s not too bad! I’ve never worked in fast food so I don’t have any opinions on it, but I’ve known people who have and I guess it depends on the person if they like it or not. Money is always a plus though!
@Totalanimefan: Mine usually keep them pretty short just by using the scratching post, but every now and then they'll have a long one which I'll notice after I get scratched lol.
Posted in I made dirt cups! Posted 3 years ago
I love dirt cups! I used to make them a lot when I was a kid!
@Totalanimefan: Getting to clip their nails is always an accomplishment! Mine fight so hard to not get them clipped lol.
Posted in Hey everyone Posted 3 years ago
Welcome to Voltra! I hope you enjoy it here!
It’s extremely rare for my cats to cuddle together, but today they were actually grooming each other and it was adorable.
@Totalanimefan: I mean, my cat keeps me warm too xD so if he wants my body heat I'll gladly take his!
@Totalanimefan: I love it when my cats do, but it makes me lay around longer than I like cause I don't want to disturb them xD I think my one has been laying with me more cause it's getting colder. Maybe that's why yours is laying with you?
Thanks! I needed a change lol. I love the mixture of the purplish color with mint.
@Totalanimefan: Some people love the routine though. My cat is sleeping on me right now and he loves to snore. It gets so obnoxious sometimes lol.
@Totalanimefan: I guess it depends on if I can move up in the job. If I'm doing the same entry level thing the whole time then definitely not.
@Totalanimefan: Thanks! It's super rewarding seeing those years rack up lol. Nowhere near the people who've been with the company for 20+ years though. I think it'd be so crazy to be with a job that long where you just continually see it and the people change.
@Totalanimefan: It's a great skill to have! At the end of November it will be 3 years with my current job.
@Totalanimefan: It doesn't happen too often though! I've gotten pretty good with time management.